5 Tips To Stay Healthy and Fit When Working From Home

I have been working home for a while and I LOVE it, but even I was a little frazzled with the #2020shitshow took over. All of our lives were changed whether we want to admit it or not. I hope that we get back to normal, but I think the one thing that is the biggest change is that a lot of people will be permanently working from home. I do not think that this is a bad thing, but it is something that we need to be aware of.


Working from home is a BIG change! It is easy to not be as productive when you are in the comfort of your home. Your home is your sanctuary, where you come back to rest, eat, sleep, watch TV, etc. Are you getting my drift?

It is extremely important that we stay healthy and fit during these times so that we can be the best version of ourselves mentally and physically, but also be our best for our loved ones near and far. When we are happy, healthy, and strong our energy is contagious and inspiring to others. 

I know that these tips are probably repetitive, but they are friendly reminders for ALL OF US. We all need a little nudge sometimes to get back into a healthy routine, to get out of funk, or just need a little extra motivation to make a positive change. Maybe you already do all of these things…GO YOU…And if you don’t, then now is the time to make a better YOU!

Set Yourself Up For Success

I am a creature of habit and I love a schedule. I have my planner, post-its, and notebook surrounding my computer and I write down what I have to do each day. It helps me stay focused and on track. But I also have my routine when it comes to waking up, drinking my coffee, working out, eating, etc. 

These daily habits set me up for success and keep me from getting distracted, unmotivated, or fall into a slump. I like a good routine.

During the week it is a must for me, but obviously, on the weekend, I give myself grace to rest, live, and just BE! 

Get Outside

Walking Lucy has been and always will be one of my most peaceful and relaxing times of the day! Whether we walk 30 - 60 minutes, I leave the phone at home and we just have our “girl time”. Dogs are so therapeutic, comforting, and just happy, so why wouldn’t I do this. Instant mood booster and Vitamin D, fresh air, and movement do a body good. 

If you don’t have a dog, grab a friend to walk with you every day. Or grab your book or journal and head to the park, beach, outdoor cafe, and soak up all that goodness. It is way way way too easy to spend all day staring at the computer. Been there and done that. 

Set your alarm to remind you to get up and get OUT. Simple and Easy!

Move Your Body

A no brainer, because if you do not move your body, well the negative effects are not good and you do not want to experience them. And honestly, there are so many apps, videos, tools, at-home equipment at your fingertips, that there should be NO EXCUSE why you shouldn’t move your body daily. 

As we come into the cooler months, now is the time to START, because it is hard to stay motivated when it is snowing, ice, and grey out there. Set yourself up for success…get the tools…just do it! Gyms and studios are opening back up, so get back there and try some new classes, support local studios, because they need you now more than ever. Join monthly challenges. There is truly SO MUCH that the fitness community is doing and it is really amazing to see. 

If you still are nervous to venture out…You should try some of my workouts!

Here is an oldie but goodie and one that you can do at home in 30 minutes…YEP YEP!

Look it over, try it out, and let me know if you have any questions. Make sure you are following me on Instagram, because I share the movements ALL there!

Stock Your Fridge and Pantry with GOOD MOOD FOOD

This one is SUPER important, because if you do not have healthy, nourishing, energizing foods in your kitchen, how the heck are you going to perform well at your job. You need the GOOD stuff to keep you healthy and motivated. This does not need to be complicated. 

How do you do this?

Throw out all the sugary crap…

Make sure have a variety of proteins…Chicken, Fish, Meats, Tuna Fish, Beans, Eggs, Yogurt…

LOTS and LOTS of fruits and vegetables

Nuts, hummus, peanut butter

Potatoes, Rice, and YES bread are allowed, but make sure it is whole grains! You want the carbohydrates that are going to give you the right amount of energy without depleting your energy. 

I have started to share REALLY simple, healthy, easy, and budget-friendly meals, so make sure you’re following along!

When you keep naughty temptations in your home you are guaranteed to eat them. If you have self-control then by all means keep those things around, so when you want to enjoy some chocolate, ice cream, or chips, they are available to you. For me personally, I always like to have Nubacho Gelato, JoJo’s Chocolate, and Siete Chips on hand, for when I want to indulge. I am notorious for freezing sweets, that are freezable. I know they’ll be there for a while and that I won’t eat them all, so having them in the freezer works for me, when that sweet tooth craving kicks in. Because, let’s face it, life is boring without dessert! 

**Side Note** 

When it comes to healthy eating, about 80/20 works for me! YOU have to find out your balance and what works for you and your schedule, and your goals. I am not telling you to do any sort of diet, or cleanse, or crazy bull crap like that. I just want to give you some tips on what you need to feel good when working and eating from home. Are you allowed to go out? HELL YEAH…Just find the balance that works for YOU!

And always keep it simple…When you eat REAL FOOD you feel GOOD!

Stay Social

AHHH…this is one that I am ALWAYS working on! I tend to be a hermit and will just work work work away at home and communicate with people and online and via text and phone, but that REAL human connection is a MUST!!!

Making eye contact…having real live conversations…enjoying wine and food…or doing a work out together, we as humans need this interaction. These connections keep us happy, alive, energetic, and GRATEFUL!!! No one is talking about what this isolation is really truly doing to people and it is not good. I am so grateful to live in Charleston, where the weather is good, I am able to see my friends, I am able to go to the gym and restaurants. All these things that we took for granted need to be back in people’s lives. 

If you are working from home, make sure to stay SOCIAL! And when you are out and about being kind! Spread love…There is a lot of hate out there, so say HI, thank you, or just ask someone how their day is going. It is ALL ABOUT THE LITTLE THINGS these days! 

What do you think? Are you able to do these 5 things? 

If you have questions, you know how to reach me!



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