I had all the intentions of writing a post about PROTEIN and how I am adding more into my eats, but I decided against it and would rather talk about what’s happening in July. I will dive into that later this month, but for right now, let’s talk about ALL THE THINGS happening this second week of July, before this month disappears too. July 4th week was a weird one. I welcomed the short week, but I felt all out of sorts. I feel like I was recovering from the holiday festivities, trying to focus and get back into my groove, but it was all over the place. Anyone else feel that way? Anyway, here we are in the second week of July and welp summer is flying by. Lots to talk about…Lots to write about…No complaining, it’s time to just do it. So let’s dive in and chat about…


 It’s summer and there is just so much happening in Charleston. Every weekend is a big party and the past couple weeks have been filled with that. GOOD news, I have been enjoying myself and eating all the things, doing all the things, and living life. BAD news, last week my body and stomach said it’s time to take a break. So I did and so did Shannon…We just hit the reset button…less meat…more salads, fish, vegetables, lots of water, no booze. No guilt…no restriction…just listening to my body and feeding it what it needs.

I also took a break from tracking my food/protein intake, because I was tired of it and needed a moment to just live. This week I am going back to doing the work, tracking, eating more protein, and still enjoying myself. That little break/reset was just what I needed.


My workouts have been STRONG this month! I feel really good about my body, my muscle development, my endurance, and how I have been listening to my body. On one of my talks with my Coach, I brought up how I was itching to sign up for some sort of race, but then I realized that I like what I’m doing now and I like the freedom of waking up and doing whatever makes me feel GOOD. So, no races at this time and for right now that is fine with me! So what feels GOOD right now?

  • RUNNING - NO music…NO phone…This has weirdly felt amazing and freeing! I also seem to be running faster without worrying about holding my phone and adjusting my earbuds. The world has been a noisy place, so just running with no distractions and noise has been peaceful. It is hot as hell right now and the sweat factor is no joke, but I love it. It’s challenging and at times hard, but my body feels good and I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing.

  • STRENGTH TRAINING - I have come so far in the past year with lifting weights! I am lifting HEAVY…I am taking longer rest breaks between sets (game-changer)…I am doing less cardio on the days that I lift…I am loving the endorphin rush after lifting! I am seeing really positive results and I am going to keep on doing it. SHEESH…I should probably do another post on how strength training has changed me on this journey. For example, I know have an ASS! LOL!

  • WALKING - Always walking…It is all the things for me! I have cut back on my walks, for a couple of reasons. One - I needed to cut back on my daily movement. I was doing too much and too much exercising is NOT a good thing. Two - Lucy isn’t getting younger, so I try to give her 2 - 3 days off now. Three - It’s hot and humid right now and there are some days it' is just too much for Lucy and myself, so I make sure if we do go it’s really early or it is a quick one around the block.

I took a little hiatus from the yoga studio as my body just hasn’t been craving it. I signed up for a few classes this week, but I am just going to listen to my body and see what it is feeling. For me personally, sometimes the jumping and the intense heat during the summer can really deplete me. Again…just listening to my body!


 I am finished Jennifer Weiner’s “That Summer” and I LOVED it! I haven’t read one of her books in a while and this one is very good. It is based on Cape Cod and in the suburbs of Philadelphia and is about two different women and their lives, trauma, families, love, growth, and the secrets that connect them in the end. I LOVED it You’ll know that I love a book when I bring it to the gym and read it on the StepMill. It was just a good easy read.

 Reading is escapism for me. I like to get lost in the book. It is a book that just takes me away, relaxes me, makes me just be for a couple of hours a day. It is the last thing that I do at the end of the day and it helps me unwind, slow down, and disconnect.

I get all of my books from the library and from my fellow book lover who lives across the street from me. Whenever I am on the long wait list for books at the library, I text Melinda and she’ll leave some books on her doorstep for me to pickup. It’s an excuse to walk Lucy, get some sunshine, and free books…WINNING!

Up next on my nightstand I have:


  • Ameo Life Smoothie Recipe and Blog Post (Healing From The Inside OUT)

  • Blog Post - How I Am Adding More Protein

  • Blog Post - What Happened When I Gained Weight

  • WORKOUTS - Make sure you are following me on Instagram! I post all of them there!

  • Product REVIEWS - I am so fortunate to have so many brands reach out to me and send me wine, food, cooking appliances, so again, follow me on Instagram, where I talk about all these things! There is so much good stuff to share!

WHEW…Lots to talk about and lots to share! It’s going to be good! I need to get on all of this, because I have a feeling that July is going to fly by, just like the rest of summer.

See you soon!



Nantucket SUMMER Energy


My Skin Care Routine