Currently In March

“Walk courageously each step of the path on the journey to the heart. Enjoy when the universe sends you its gifts - a lover, some money, a good job. But know the ultimate key to happiness lies not in external things, but within YOU! Feel all your feelings. Learn to heal yourself!” - Melody Beattie

Spring is almost here…March is almost over…I have spent the whole week recovering from the time change…I feel like the past couple of weeks have been a little all over the place. Blame it on the birthday celebrations, living life, PMS, what else can I blame it on? Oh, the craziness that is happening in the world? I don’t want to go down that dark hole, so I am going to stick to what I am good at and talk about the things that I am passionate about and hopefully keep you motivated, inspired, and happy as well.

So grab that cup of coffee, tea, and a big glass of water to stay hydrated, and let’s chat!

Currently EATING

Simple…Easy…Nourishing…GOOD MOOD FOOD! My taste buds have been a little bit all over the place, which is a good thing! My appetite has been on fire, as always, especially since I have been lifting heavier weights! Therefore, I am just feeding it what it needs and wants to fuel my lifestyle. One thing that happened while I was in the thick of my eating disorder was that I would eat the same damn thing day after day after day. I worked hard and I am still working hard on being flexible with trying new things, especially for breakfast and lunch. Loaded scrambles are an easy way to get all the nutrients I need and to feel energized and satisfied, plus they are versatile, easy, and a great way to clean out the fridge…

I am also having a major moment with Jasmine rice! I am eating it sometimes up to three times a week. Whenever Shannon gets takeout, I always ask for a side of rice (Chinese takeout and me don’t get along…LOL)! The sticky texture just does it for me and I can throw anything with it and it’ll taste good!

I don’t know what took me so long to make sweet potato fries, but now I’m hooked! They are so easy and you can make them on the grill or in your air-fryer. They take about the same amount of time and turn out perfectly crispy and delicious! I like mine a little extra crispy or burnt, whatever you want to call it, so just experiment with the timing and check on it every now and then!

Here’s what I did:

  1. I microwaved the sweet potato for 4 minutes to make it easier to cut into wedges;

  2. Placed them in my Go Wise USA air fryer with Reynolds wrap, cooking spray and then seasoned with DAK'S Spices Nothin’ But Ranch and KABOOM;

  3. Set to 400 degrees and cook for 45 minutes (I mixed them around and sprayed again halfway through);

  4. Plated…and added Harris Teeter rotisserie chicken salad, spinach, and always hot sauce!

so EASY and so GOOD!

Currently Moving And Grooving

I have been spending a lot of time lifting heavy weights and doing lots of spinning at home, walking, yoga, but I am having the hardest time getting back into running! I don’t know what it is, but it is frustrating the hell out of me, because I want to run, yet my mind and body just aren’t feeling it. I keep trying to blame it on the cooler weather and that once it warms up I’ll be out there, but it’s just not resonating with me. SO…I am going to listen to my body and maybe start sprinkling some short runs in, once I see 70 degree plus weather. Call me picky, but I love running in shorts and a sports bra and being drenched in sweat.

Until the itch for running makes a comeback, it’s time to start doing garage workouts with simple moves, heavy weights, and continuing getting stronger, because damn it feels good to see the hard work pay off. I know I talk about The Works all the time, but the combo of the heat, the Vinyasa, the cardio, plyometrics, strength, and sculpt…It just makes me and my body happy!

Currently Finished READING

I put this book on hold, when I saw an influencer post about it on her Instagram stories. I literally didn’t know anything about, which is funny, because I typically do some research on it, but for some reason I just added this to the list and dove right in. This book was AMAZING and I highly recommend it! It was a combo of the wilderness, wolves, community, murder, mystery, abuse, and growing and healing. It was very well written and I was hypnotized. I love to read about animals and their connection to nature and when the characters have a special connection to them as well. People underestimate the power of animals and how smart they are and how much they can teach us. READ IT NOW and let me know what you think, because I could ramble on about this one for a while!

Currently FEELING

INSPIRED…ENERGIZED…HAPPY…DETERMINED! How about them adjectives?!?! I also have been giving myself grace throughout this month, with work, life, and my relationships. I feel like I am going through a major shift and so much has changed for the better since my energy healing. I need to stay on this positive track and continue to spread the light and really work on my PURPOSE and be FEARLESS! I think deep down I am afraid to GO BIG. I have always tried to dim my light, my truth, my talent. I have to stop pretending to be less powerful than I know I am. I have the tools…the knowledge…the experience…the support…and most importantly the PASSION!

Thanks for joining my Friday coffee talk of ALL THE THINGS! I’m excited about the weekend. I’m excited about next week. I’m excited to stop being so scatterbrained and get my shit together, so that I can make shit happen!


How I Keep Lucy Healthy and Happy


A Letter To My 43 Year Old Self