Friday Feelings

Can I have a moment to vent? Between the Full Moon, the time change, the blizzard, and the frigid temperatures, I have felt all sorts of stir crazy and lots of frustration. It has felt like a long freaking week. I have felt all sorts of emotions and I finally feel like I have it together. Now that the rant is over, why don't we dive into some "Friday Feelings", before I welcome the weekend with a BIG hug...

GRATEFUL - After my rant of really minuscule things, I am truly grateful for many things: 

  • A strong body that allows me to train it hard on a daily basis;

  • Foods that help me stay nourished, healthy, and fueled;

  • Family that supports me through all the crazy endeavors that I decide to embark on;

  • Friends who are there for me through it ALL. This community both near and far are a solid bunch!

I think it is important to take some time each day and write them down, say it out loud, or tell someone what you are grateful for. It really puts things in perspective!

Cauliflower In a Smoothie is DELISH - I know it sounds weird and it is kind of weird, but it is weirdly really good! I have seen some of my favorite recipe gurus talking about this kookie addition to their smoothies and I finally gave it a try. I eat a lot of cauliflower anyway, so why not step out of my comfort zone and try something new. It is good and I recommend you try it. I will share my recipes next week. 

There is so much BAD Television on these days - How is possible that with hundreds of television channels there is hardly anything to watch? And what about ALL the commercials? I have noticed lately that I seem to watch at the most the same 4 channels on a daily basis - Fox Business, HGTV, Bravo, and Showtime. So why am I paying a cable bill that is almost $200.00? With that being said, it is time to switch things up and get rid of the cable package. I am going to try it out and see how it goes and take advantage of my Amazon Fire Stick. Stay tuned...

Towel Workout - Make sure to check out my latest workout with Core Power! While I was snowed in earlier this week, it was the perfect time to create another at-home workout. You know that I am ALL about these types of workouts, so it was fun to put this one together. I love how these moves are truly a full body blast. They help your balance, build your overall strength, and of course ALWAYS your core! 

Potato Party - I have a potato obsession. I eat these beauties at least 4 times a week. They are easy to make. They are versatile. They are nutritious and delicious. I even picked up some regular russet potatoes the other day and they make me just as happy too. I cannot get enough spuds in my life and it is what my body is craving, so I am going to give it just that. 

It's Time for YOGA - It is definitely time to step back onto my mat for not only the physical benefits but also for the mental ones too. My workouts as of lately have been intense. There has been a lot of running and strength training. I am stiff, sore, but getting stronger. And those frigid temperatures are not helping my already tight muscles! It is time next week, to stretch it out...sweat it out...and find some balance, peace, and clarity on my mat. I am looking forward to reuniting with my favorites at Powerflow Yoga in Chatham, NJ. 

I know I sound like a broken record, but when you listen to your body and you give it what it needs, life is a lot more fun, because you are happier, healthier, energized, and that energy attracts only good things. And YES I am speaking from experience. When I ignore the signs regarding nourishing and training, I can become a not so friendly person. But when I am in tune with what my body needs and actually giving it those things, I am just a big beautiful ball of happiness...Corny much...YES, but it is the truth!

And that is it my friends! Thank goodness it is Friday! I need to choose a day to fully disconnect, do some spring cleaning, reconnect with old friends, and just slow down a little bit. I hope y'all have a beautiful weekend and see everyone next week. XOXO

What are you GRATEFUL for today?

Do you still have a cable package?


Chocolate Nutiva Cauliflower Smoothie


Banana Ice Cream 7UP Floats