ENJOY The Holiday Season

It is the most WONDERFUL time of year or this time of year can wreak total havoc, stress, and weight gain...Am I right? Instead of going into the holiday season with these "Negative Nancy" feelings when it comes to eating and exercising, why not go into it with a positive, HAPPY, and HEALTHY attitude! Yes friends, put on those "Positive Patty" pants and have a jolly good time! This is a wonderful time of year and you should celebrate...you should be smiling...and you should be enjoying it with the ones you LOVE! I am not here to tell you what you should and should not eat. I am not here to share killer workouts, to help you burn off the Christmas cookies and wine. I am here to inspire you to go into this time of year with a NEW, refreshing, fun, and healthy attitude! Be grateful, be joyous, and just have FUN!

My Happy and Healthy Holiday Tips

  • ENJOY those holiday treats that only come out this time of year, but in moderation! It is hard to not eat all the cookies, candies, and cakes that always seem to be everywhere this time of year! You don't need to eat them just because they are there. Eat them because you want to! Eat them because it makes you happy and you haven't had Peppermint Bark since last year...HA!

  • Get LOTS of fresh air! Yes it is cold outside, but fresh air is always good for the mind and body. Grab a friend, family member, or you dog and just go for a long walk. Whether it is 15 minutes or a 60-minute walk, moving your body on a daily basis is a great way to stay healthy, happy, and motivated. I am cold ALL the time during winter, so I look like a snowman on my walks, but that fresh ocean air feels so GOOD!

  • Remember to DISCONNECT! When you are at holiday parties, dinners, or events, try turning your phone off and just leaving it alone for a few hours. It is so refreshing and liberating to not be constantly checking your phone. Make those connections with those around you, by engaging in conversations, making eye contact, and giving friends and family members BIG hugs! I believe that when we are truly engaged and having a great time, we forget about our phones and we are just living in the moment. To me, that is PURE happiness!

  • Stay ACTIVE! If you feel like you are in a rut or not very motivated this time of year, switch things up! Try signing up for new classes. If you are traveling, check out local studios and sign up for a yoga class, kickboxing, or even swim laps at the local Y. And check out Groupon to see if you can get some good deals too. Staying active during this time of year, will help you stay happy, healthy, and prevent you from gaining any extra pounds if you really are enjoying that Peppermint Bark a little too much!

So what do you think of these tips? They are not hard...They are attainable...They are simple and they are REAL! Now go put on your holiday attire and smile big, because this truly is a wonderful and special time of year! Have a wonderful weekend friends and see everyone next week!

What are you looking forward to most this holiday season, besides peppermint bark?

Are you signing up for any fun holiday races, fitness, or yoga classes?


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