Scrub A Dub Dub What Soaps Do I LOVE

Let’s talk about SOAP…But more importantly, let’s talk about the importance of using clean and toxic free soaps, because not only do we have to be aware of what we put IN our bodies, we also now have to be aware of what we put ON our bodies!!!

 It is infuriating, scary, disgusting, and eye opening once you start learning and seeing what companies are putting in their products these days! I could go down a deep and dark rabbit hole with this, but thankfully there are some amazing well-educated professionals who are exposing companies and the harm that they are doing. And there are some amazing companies that are working extremely hard to create safe and healthy products! That’s why I LOVE and SUPPORT Ameo Life!

I know…There is a lot going on these days and sometimes it is overwhelming, stressful, depressing, but I think that making simple choices and changes can make a big difference to our overall health and well being. Your health is worth it and I believe spending money on REAL food, gym memberships/fitness classes, SAFE skin care products are so important. I also believe in doing FREE things like turning off the news, reading more, getting daily sunshine, and long walks are crucial to our well-being. It’s about CHOICES and when you make healthy choices you feel better from the inside out.

As per usual, I digress, but I always need to put my little two cents about this in…Back to SOAP, because using soaps with NO CRAP, NO CHEMICALS, and NO TOXINS is important. I noticed that with “other” bar soaps that my skin would dry out and I would actually get little bumps on my triceps and upper thighs. I know that I have become hyper aware to what I put on my body and in my body, which can be a blessing and a curse at the same time, so when I started using Ameo Life products and noticed a drastic difference, I was like WOW!

 I wrote about my “Skin Care Routine” HERE! It is very basic, but it works for me and my skin. Ameo Life skin care products are the ONLY products that I use now! I have my probiotics, gels, soaps, mouthwash, and Silver Solution stocked here in Charleston and Nantucket. Yes, I am that obsessed. The only time that I can’t use them is when I am on vacation!

 As I have gotten older, my skin has definitely changed and become more sensitive to certain products, or companies have started to add more toxic ingredients…Either way, Ameo Life has kept my skin healthy and happy all year round.

 I LOVE these soaps!!! They smell good…They feel good..And I feel GOOD about what I am using to clean this stinky sweaty body after a hard workout! But in all seriousness, when I have used other soaps, like Dial or Dove, my skin feels pretty horrible. If you Google the ingredients in those soaps it is just a tad bit scary…How are companies getting away with this?!?!?

WHY Should You Choose Ameo Life Silver Infused Soaps:

  • They smell AMAZING;

  • They use only pure essential oils which enhance the soaps with a very mild, natural scent. None of the toxins, fillers, or chemicals making that toxic chemical fake smell;

  • Infused with 30 PPM Silver;

  • Naturally cleanses the skin;

  • Safe for ALL skin types;

  • All organic ingredients;

  • Naturally supports the skin's natural ability to heal;

  • The only color in their soaps comes from wheat grass and peppermint leaves (Peppermint bar), oats and cloves (Oatmeal Spice bar) and charcoal and cacao (Charcoal Tea Tree bar). The Lavender and Lemongrass bars are a natural off-white;

  • Their glycerin is completely plant-derived, USP Organic, without additives!

 Are you convinced yet?

 You should be! These soaps are heavenly and I would tell you if I didn’t like them.

 Which one is my favorite?

 I used to be in love with the Oatmeal Spice, but now I am obsessed with the Tea Tree soap. It has the perfect amount of scent…it’s smooth…and leaves my skin feeling glowy and dreamy. LOVE! 

 Don’t forget to use KATIE25 to get 25% off your order!

And if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. I love hearing from you.





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