Set Yourself Up For SUCCESS All Year

I love what I do and I think one of the best things about the fitness and healthy industry is that there is something for EVERYONE! With so much technology, health and fitness advocates, nutritional information at our fingertips, you can truly find something that works best for you. And that is AWESOME! There is no excuse to live your best life!

We are coming to that time of year though, when things can become a little bit “over the top” with the holidays, the food, the booze, the cooler temperatures. It is that time of the year when people seem to throw in the towel, go overboard with everything, stop caring, and then come the New Year it’s detox, workout like a nut job, and try to get back to whatever they were before. I hate this mentality and I think it is so unhealthy not only mentally, but for our gut health, muscles, and overall well-being. We have to stop this cycle.

There is a healthy and fun way to navigate this time of year, I promise! You won’t compromise the fun, the food, the delicious cocktails, you just need to set yourself up for success mentally and physically and enjoy this time of year, rather than dread it. Take control of your health and in the end YOU will feel so much better, not only through this time of year, but ALL year!

I love the change of seasons as I think it is always a great time to press the reset button, reflect, and set up some daily, weekly, or monthly intentions to set yourself up for success not only health wise, but also emotionally too, because we know how hard those colder winter months can be.

Here are a few of my top tips for being successful not only during this time of year, but all year round. These tips are simple, because I believe that it is time to go back to the basics. We have over complicated everything in our society today and our minds are all scattered brained, so I’m bringing it back to SIMPLE yet EFFECTIVE health and fitness tips. Let’s GO!

Move Your Body Daily

My FAVORITE! I love to move, I love to sweat, I love to challenge myself, I love to see my body evolve and grow with all the hard work that I put into it. I not only feel healthy, strong, and like a superhero, but I also feel so GOOD mentally and emotionally. Your health is wealth and when you don’t have your health, you can’t live life. In today’s world there is so much at our fingertips when it comes to fitness. There is something for EVERYONE and that is so wonderful to see! Yoga, CrossFit, strength training, running, walking, swimming, biking, the classes that are available are amazing…there is NO EXCUSE to not move your body!

Just like with certain foods, you have to find a workout regimen that works best for you, your body, and your lifestyle. Be patient with the process and know that it takes time, maybe a few sore muscles, but once those endorphins kick into gear, the game changes, and gosh darn it feels good to sweat and move and see your progress.

I also share a plethora of workouts that you can do ANYWHERE and require minimal equipment and can be done in 30 minutes or less. Follow me HERE to stay in touch and try them out. My workouts are simple and effective and they are not only about building strength, but also working on endurance, balance, and core strength, which help you do ALL THE THINGS in your daily life. So what are you waiting for?

I want to be outside ALL THE TIME! The sun energizes me, the fresh air clears my mind, the ocean heals my soul, grounding myself daily in nature is something that EVERYONE is talking about. We spend way too much time sitting inside staring at our phones, computers, and TV’s. It’s sad and it’s scary, and it’s not healthy. Sometimes I feel like people are walking around like zombies.

It can get cold and nasty in the winter months, but bundle up and grab a friend and go for a quick walk. The fresh air, the human connection, the movement is good for your mind, body, and soul. I always find a quick walk or a long walk with my dog always helps me reset and refocus. It is my creative time that allows me to put my thoughts together with no distractions. It’s the BEST!

It’s hard to disconnect and do something different, when we are so used to being cooped up, but that isn’t how we are supposed to live. Life is beautiful and nature is just as beautiful, so get outdoors no matter where you are and soak it all up!

Listen To Your Body

Just like the seasons are changing, our bodies are always changing too! For a while this was something that was very hard for me to embrace, as I was determined to eat the same meals, to stay the same size, to do the same workouts daily. It doesn’t work like that and you won’t find success following that method.

Once I learned to let GO of all the rules in my head and listened to my body and what it needs nutritionally and physically the game changed and my overall health drastically improved. Certain seasons and chapters of our lives require different things and this includes what we put into our bodies. It is important to educate yourself and listen to your body as to what makes you feel good…what gives you energy…FOOD is a powerful source of energy and let’s face it, there is so much crap being eaten by Americans these days and we need to go back to the basics. 

I could go down a dark rabbit hole with this, but in today’s post, I just want to say…learn to listen to your body and what it needs…eat REAL FOODS…keep your meals simple of protein, carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.

And remember that food can be a beautiful thing! There is no reason to say you can’t have cake, pasta, or a big sandwich, but it is learning to create a healthy balance of enjoying foods rather than binging on them. Just like with fitness, finding a healthy balance with food can take time and work, but your gut, your skin, your brain, and your body will thank you!!!

Do Things That Bring You Joy

Everything in today’s world seems so fast paced, rushed, technology driven, that we can’t even appreciate the simple things or we have forgotten how to appreciate them! We need to slow down…We need to remember what makes us happy…We need to do things that fill us up!

What brings me JOY? It’s the simple things like…walking on the beach with my dog, swimming in the ocean early in the morning, curling up on the couch with a good book, making a simple delicious meal at home, coffee, wine, or a delicious meal with a loved one (no looking at phones), practicing yoga with my friends…Things that bring me JOY involve a lot of nature, movement, and connection.

Take time to think about what brings you JOY and then act on it! You may find that doing the simpler things may fill you up more than you know. Try it out and let me know how it goes!

Over the next couple of months, I am going to talk about some health gadgets by EatSmart, that will help you with your health journey and help you eat smarter and live better. Make sure to head on over to their page HERE to learn more and read about me!

We are going to talk about:

I want to remind everyone that each of us have different fitness goals, nutritional needs, body types, so it is important to REALLY focus on YOU and listen to your body, not what the TV or social media is telling you to do. There is so much information out there that bombards people about fitness and weight loss and a lot of it is NOT good for you. When you decide to make a lifestyle change, please remember that this journey takes time, patience, dedication, and hard work.

These two health gadgets can JUMPSTART your journey and help you stay on track!

Health is wealth and you deserve to live your best life, so there are certain gadgets that are important to keep us motivated and successful, so stay tuned! This is going to be FUN!



GUT and MIND Reset


The Wandering Pineapple