"When I Am In NJ" Workout

When I head home to New Jersey, there are a few things that will always happen...

  • Mom makes her infamous Meatballs and Spaghetti;

  • I stock up at Costco;

  • I get my hair done at Laboratory Studios...I know a little extreme, but I am not ready to leave her;

  • I visit the New Vernon deli for my favorite drip coffee and Italian Sub;

  • And I always come up with new workouts, because I like to workout when I travel!

Now that I look at this list, I am laughing as to how everything revolves around FOOD! What can I say...I am a foodie...I love talking about food...and more importantly I love to eat! And YES one of the many reasons I do workout is so that I can eat all of this deliciousness! All those carbs definitely me on my hilly runs through NJ and through the workouts that I create in Mom's basement. I enjoy working out when I am home. I do slow down (a little); sleep in; take Lucy on her long walks; but starting my day with a early morning workout ALWAYS makes me feel my best. I enjoy working out when I travel and I enjoy coming up with new workouts that adapt to whatever situation I am in. Win for me and win for you! 

In the basement is a treadmill, set of 10 pound dumbbells, and a TV! I am good to go! In the warmer months, I will do my running on our street, but during the winter months, it is flipping cold out there...so the treadmill and episodes of Dexter will have to do. Dexter is GOOD and definitely made that hour go by a lot faster...High-Fives!

Look over this workout and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I am always here to help and inspire you to be the BEST version of YOU! Enjoy!

Do you workout when you go home to visit your family?

Favorite show to watch while on the treadmill?


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