I turned 40 today. At the beginning of the week, I was not feeling too good about this whole new decade, as this is not a small number. I had mixed emotions. I was sad that I was not going to be home to celebrate it. That Shannon was going to be away too. How the hell did 40 happen? What happens next? What should I be feeling? GAH...Like WTF! When I woke up on Thursday before heading to CA for Expo West with the NuttZo team, I had Shannon holding me while he was still asleep...I could hear Lucy snoring by the side of our bed...I changed my attitude. My life is pretty amazing!

I wanted to write something uplifting in this blog post, because well there is a lot going on and I get this question a lot, so thinking about what keeps me motivated when things are sticky was a friendly reminder to myself that I am so GRATEFUL and HAPPY for those around me, my health, my body, and that I am able to do what I do. It’s pretty freaking awesome.

And even when life does get sticky and I need a little extra motivation or push, this is what I like to do…

SWEAT IT OUT - Are you really surprised by this answer? Y’all know how much my training means to me both physically and mentally, so it is no surprise that when things get sticky I gravitate towards intense workouts. I want to feel the sweat dripping off my body. I want to feel my muscles burning. I want to be challenged. I want to get my ass kicked. This is what I want and this is what works for me.

I have always been extremely motivated when it comes to training. Having been a competitive athlete most of my life, it comes naturally to me. The benefits of training make me a better person every day and it is why I make the time to do it on a daily basis. I am grateful for this body and what it can do and what I put it through. But when I am not feeling motivated, I am in a funk, or life is just throwing me some curveballs, I sometimes need a little extra push.

So who is able to do this for me? Sarah Frick owner of The Works! YES...this woman is a badass and I am so grateful to have her as a friend and a teacher. Every single time I step on that mat for her well-known class “THE WORKS” she brings it and I swear that since we got back from Tulum, she is bringing it all to that space. The combo of the meditation...the focusing on the breath...the plyometrics...the vinyasa flow...the process of learning to let that SHIT GO in those 60 minutes is a game changer. I love this studio, the community, and the challenges that it offers me. I have become a stronger person on and off the mat because of Sarah and because of the classes she offers.

If you are having a hard time getting motivated physically here are a few ways to stay accountable:

  • Reach out to one of your friends, who you consider a workout buddy and tell them you need some help to get back into your routine;

  • Sign up for a race! I love to do this, especially when I am in a rut. It helps me stay on track with my training. It gives me a goal to look forward to and I love having a schedule that tells me what to do each day. I always print it out the old school way and tape it to the fridge and cross each day off with a marker. Daily goals to a bigger GOAL!

  • Try a new class! There are so many different kind of fitness classes to take these days, so find what works for YOU. What makes you feel good? What challenges you? Plus, it is also a way to just be more social and be around like-minded people and to try new things in your city. Best part about all of these classes is that someone is always offering a deal, so grab it while you can.

LEAN ON SHANNON AND MY FRIENDS - This is something that has taken me awhile to do! I used to keep shit in and try to fix it on my own, but having started dating Shannon almost two years and finally falling in love with a place that I can call home, I have opened myself up to much more. And by opening myself up, I have allowed myself to lean on him and my friends for help when things get a little sticky in my world.

Shannon gets me! We have this special bond that reminds me of the one I had with my father. We can spend hours together and just kind of know what the other is thinking. We don’t need to be talking non-stop to each other and I love this. It works. He knows when I am in a funk and he’s there for me. He keeps me laughing. He asks me what I need. He holds me. He also just gives it to me in black and white. I have a tendency to overthink things and let my emotions get in the way, so his no bull shit mentality motivates me to keep going.

When I lean on my girlfriends, it is different, but that is what friends are for and why I am so grateful for them. The friends who listen to your non-stop texts that are paragraphs long. The friends that check in on your daily. The friends who want to take you out and just make sure you let loose and enjoy life. I know that I repeat myself, but this year has taught me a lot and it’s only March. I have let go of a lot of SHIT (yes...this word is coming up a lot). I have surrounded myself with a group of friends who inspire me, challenge me, and help me when I need help. Having only been in Charleston for almost one year, I can say that the group I am with is pretty amazing! And I cannot forget my pen-pal friends who I have met through social media too. It’s one of my favorite things about the kookie social media world and who it has allowed me to connect with…a lot of badass women.

PRACTICE SELF-CARE - Self-Care is also a BIG thing for me this year. You have to take care of YOU inside and out. YOU are the one in charge of it all and when you aren’t taking care of yourself, how can you take care of others. It seems like a simple thing, but it is something that so many of us neglect. Self-Care can be little or big things...It is something that is going to make YOU happy and make YOU feel good about yourself.

How do I practice SELF-CARE:

  • Nothing is better than a manicure/pedicure...Am I right?

  • Flowers...I always like to have at least two bouquets from TJ’s in my condo. They make me happy and I’ve also added a lot more plants and succulents too.

  • FOOD - Yes food is self-care...Treat yourself to something delicious, just because you haven’t done it in a while. My go-to is always pizza or a big ass steak and fries...and don’t forget the wine!

  • Travel - I have taken some big trips this year. The Bahamas for a basketball tournament. A girls trip to Wine Country. A yoga retreat to Tulum, Mexico, and there are probably some others later down the road, but why not?!?! Life is short. I work hard. I want to have fun, explore, travel, and get away once in a while. And I am grateful that I can do that!

I am truly blessed, so here’s to 40 and to another year of who knows what, but I do know that at this moment, I am happy, I am in love, I am motivated and will stay motivated even when life does get a little sticky. Because, sometimes we need sticky. Sticky is hard and messy at times, but it can also be a motivator to help us work harder, face our fears, try new things, and also remind us of how grateful we are. xoxo

How do YOU stay motivated when things get sticky?

How do YOU practice self-care?


