Product Review - NEUROREALM

Almost a month ago, the team from NeuroRealm reached out to me about sampling their products. When it comes to talking about new things, I always like to take my time with them, so that I can see how my body reacts to them...if it fits into my lifestyle...if it is worth recommending to all of you...and if they are a good, legit, fun team to work with. HONEST and REAL always when it comes to this space! I can’t help it, because it is the Jersey girl in me, but also because I care about YOU too!

NeuroRealm is a Southern California-based nootropics company focused on cognitive health and overall well-being. We believe that the mind, body, and soul need to be in sync for humans to function at their optimal level and have created products that can help make this synchronicity a reality.  Their approach is focused on honing in on specific themes. Rather than a “one-size-fits-all” supplement, they target specific areas that people struggle with on a daily basis. They have created their blends with natural ingredients, either from the earth or naturally produced in the body, and patented formulas to create a supplement that caters to an individual’s needs.

I have been using these products for a few weeks and I will give it a THUMBS UP! If you are like me, the past year or so has wreaked havoc on ALL THE THINGS and sleep was something that really suffered. Can I see a raise of hands if your sleep patterns were messed up AF?

We all know the benefits of sleep, but let’s dive into it a little bit, as to why we really need it! Let’s start with what happens when you don’t get enough sleep, because I like to start with the negative and end with a positive. 

Lack of Sleep can CAUSE: 

  • Memory Issues

  • Mood Changes

  • Weakened Immunity

  • Risk of Diabetes and Weight Gain

  • Low Sex Drive

  • Poor Balance

A Healthy Night’s Sleep can CAUSE:

  • Feel Better, Look Better, Healthier All Over

  • Improves Memory

  • Lowers Stress

  • Helps Maintain A Healthy Weight

  • Benefits the HEART, Mind, Creativity

  • You Feel Like A ROCK STAR!

So why NeuroSleep if you are struggling with sleep issues? 

NeuroSleep is a blend of herbs and naturally occurring amino acids designed to give your body the restorative sleep it deserves. Wake up feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the day.

  •  Promotes a deeper sleep without the morning fog

  • Reduces the time it takes to fall asleep

  • Calms the nervous system

  • Supports a more restful sleep cycle

 Now let’s talk about NeuroZen! In all honesty, I didn't really feel the need to use this product as much, because I feel pretty calm most days, especially with all the yoga and journaling that I do, it keeps me feeling pretty ZEN, which is a good thing. But if you are struggling with these uncertain times, maybe a little angry, anxious, and out of sorts, then I recommend looking into NeuroZen to help bring you to a place where you can just say Namaste and carry on!

So why NeuroZen if you are feeling a little bit on edge? 

NeuroZen Will help calm your mind and carry on!. This product contains powerful adaptogenic herbs that support the body's natural ability to manage the stresses of daily life and keep anxiety at bay.

  • Promotes a positive mood

  • Reduces fatigue

  • Increases resistance to stress

  • Supports relaxation

WHEW…That was a lot of information that I just threw at y’all! Again, I am going to repeat myself, but it is so important right now to make sure that you are taking care of yourself from the inside out.

You need to stay strong, healthy, and positive, so that you can be the best version of YOU and for those who you LOVE! And it doesn’t need to be complicated. Keep it simple, by making sure you are getting outside and soaking up the fresh air and Vitamin D…Eating GOOD foods…Making daily movement a priority…Get enough sleep…Meditate, journal, and remind yourself daily of what you are grateful for and what makes you happy. These little things add up and can make a huge difference in your overall health and daily life!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. I love hearing from you!



Time For A Check In


Giving Myself The Gift Of HEALTH