Speaking OUT LOUD

Last week was a doozy!

I can blame it on Aunt Flow and the Full Moon, but whatever it was, I felt out of sorts. It all felt heavy and it was JUST one of those weeks, when I couldn’t get out of my own damn way. It is an annoying feeling and when I go through these kinds of moments, I am so GRATEFUL for Shannon’s patience, my friends who always listen, my workouts, and just believing and knowing that the time will pass. Sometimes easier said than done….RIGHT? This post is by no means a pity party, I am just opening up about the not so perfect times that happen in my world. Because, I am far from perfect and for me, to move forward, it helps to write and LET IT OUT! 

I also feel like the timing is perfect for this, because it is a new month and a blank canvas, with so much to look forward to, because these days we HAVE to focus on the positive. I am excited about what I am going to tackle this month with work and I look forward to sharing it with you. Obviously, things come up and things change, but that’s okay, one day at a time, because that is all we can do right now!

Let’s dive in, friends...

Movement is TRULY Medicine…

I know I know…I talk about movement A LOT, but every day I am GRATEFUL that I can wake up and move my body and put it through the intense workouts that I do! Movement is medicine and my therapy. I look forward to the sweat dripping off my body, my muscles burning, pushing the limits, and being amongst badass women who are also moving their bodies, but with their own goals in mind.

I touched on this subject last week in a post, because when Aunt Flow is in town, it is harder to move, to get motivated, to sweat, but it is necessary. It eases the cramps, the bloating, and those damn mood swings. But the movement as we all know is good for ALL THE THINGS! I know it is winter and cold and snowy and dark, but you have to just DO IT. Sign up for classes…Call a friend…Or try this workout…You can do it anywhere! I love inspiring others to get moving, get fit, and feel happy and good about themselves inside and out. It is addicting and I love it, because improves my life and makes me a better person.

I Need to Chill Out…

Controlling...Stubborn...YES, that is me we are talking about! No shame about it, it is who I am and sometimes it is a good trait to have, and other times it isn’t. When I was talking to one of my friends in yoga last week before class, she said to me - “You Need To Chill Out!” I remember going into class and I was frazzled about our upcoming trip and just spewing out STUFF. She then also looked at me and said - “You don’t do vacations well either! Just let go woman and ENJOY LIFE! You just got engaged. You have an amazing man. You have a beautiful dog. You live here!”

Honestly, she nailed it on the head, and when I walked back to my mat to start class, I was not offended by what she said, but rather I was inspired, because well she was speaking the truth. As I sat my ass down on my mat and sighed heavily, I realized I have to make some changes. I have to let go. I have to let go of my own personal rules. I have to take a deep breath and let the reins go! As I have gotten older, I have gotten way too stubborn and controlling, so on my next adventure, I am going to test the waters and try to LET GO! Wish me luck…

Social Media is Hard AF…

There I said it…It is exhausting, always changing, saturated, 24/7, BLAH BLAH BLAH…

It is a weird profession to be in, especially this past year, and sometimes, like last week, I was ready to throw in the towel and say GOODBYE! At 41, it is just HARD! I saw The Fit Fork’s post last week and it really resonated with me, because I have done all the things, yet at the same time, I am still trying to figure out what’s next, what will resonate with people, is anyone even listening to me?!?! Do I still have the energy and the hustle to put into this?

Oh, it is a lot of chatter that happens in my mind.


I talk it out with friends. I sleep on it. I just disconnect from all these places. I workout and then the inspiration, the purpose, the hustle, all comes back full circle. It is a cycle that happens to those of us in this space and I have to come to recognize that I just need to stay in my OWN DAMN LANE. Stick with the things that bring me joy, that inspire me, but inspire others, and again to also stop being so controlling, stubborn, and remember to give myself GRACE, because, at the end of the day, I am just trying to show up and do a damn good job!

I despise “Fast Feet” in The Works Class...
Why am I talking about this…I have no idea, but I had to say it out loud! LOL! I know this is so random, but if there is one move that I despise, this is IT! As soon as the teacher calls it out, my insides cringe and my body is just like WTF. I don’t know why it irks me so much...maybe because it is awkward, everything jiggles, my legs are numb from my muscles being blasted the minutes before. Either way I HATE THEM! But just like anything else in life that is challenging or uncomfortable, sometimes you just have to suck it up and do it. I’m trying, but hot damn, right now, they are NOT my thing!

Tell me something that you to speak about OUT LOUD!



Our Trip To The Bahamas


Pork Belly Chile Habanero Game Day Tacos