Training For Surgery

Here I am a week later post surgery and I thought that this would be kind of a fun topic to talk about, because the only way I knew how to tackle this surgery would be the way I tackle my training. I was getting ready for GAME DAY! It was also a healthy distraction. Setting up my shopping for all the feel good foods...writing and diving deep into the WORK on me was setting me up for success! I was training for surgery, like I was training for a ½ marathon! I like a schedule, a plan, and then I tackle it with all my heart, mind, and body. It’s the competitive athlete in me

But let’s go back a couple of weeks to when the training began…

On October 21 at my first doctor’s appointment, with the surgical oncologist, I asked him if it was okay for me to travel to Mexico or if the surgery needed to happen ASAP. He said I could wait, so once the surgery was on my calendar, I went to Mexico, but even before that I had already started coming up with a game plan. Again...crazy PLANNER right shame in admitting that!

But before Mexico, I was kind of a hot mess with my emotions, workouts, food, and I just was processing all that was happening and going to happen. I had mixed feelings about traveling to Mexico, as there was just too much running through my brain and I hadn’t come out of the fog yet, so it had its challenges, but I’m glad that I went. I’m glad I let loose, had fun, and just celebrated. The day before we left though, something clicked in my mind and body and I realized it was GO TIME. It was time to prepare and I was ready, willing, and itching to just do this and get it over with!


I kept it really simple...After Mexico, my gut was truly a hot mess! While we were there, I hardly worked out...I ate everything I wanted...I drank a lot...but after a few days my body literally said NOPE...YOU ARE DONE AND DONE! So the last day and a half in Mexico, I woke up with a clean slate. I moved my body. I hydrated. I ate. I slowly started to get my into “my routine”. I would say it took me 3 days to truly bounce back. And when I was home, I just ate real, simple, easy foods that included lots of protein, fats, carbohydrates, and all the greens please. 

**I was worried it would take longer for my body to get back to “normal”, but with the right attitude and no detoxes, or restrictions, my body responded quickly and said THANK YOU!** This was HUGE progress for me, so I’ll pat myself on the back for all the work that I have done to get to this point.

Also, about five days before my surgery, I had to stop taking all my vitamins and supplements, which was kind of refreshing, but at the same time I worried will I be regular?!?! GAH! Silly me...My body has healed so much this past year, that I just let it do its thing, and when I relaxed, hydrated, and nourished it, I was OKAY!


I did ALL THE THINGS that made me happy, while sweating, moving, and strengthening my body. I signed up for my favorite classes at The Works and Method Ride. I went to the gym to lift all the heavy things. I took Lucy on our normal long walks. I didn’t over do it. That will be another pat on my back for all the work that I have done to get to this point. GO ME!

I really wanted to focus on not only doing the things that would make me stronger, but also the things that would fill me up with JOY! Daily movement just makes me happy. The fact that I can run ½ marathons, still do burpees and not hate them, have enough balance to read a book while on the StepMill, and look forward to being in a fitness room with people who truly inspire me, who show up to do the work...that is AMAZING and it is what motivates me!!!

The doctor told me that I am not allowed to do anything for two weeks and then after that I have to listen to my body, take it easy, and absolutely no box jumps...LOL! No problem there as I have not done them since college and will never do them again. But, I cannot remember the last time that I was told to NOT MOVE, so you can imagine the panic that set into my mind that I was not going to be able to workout. Holy SHIT this is serious!

Again control freak here, so being told that I can’t do something that I love to do, well this caused a little bit of panic. I started worrying about all the progress that I would lose. I started worrying about gaining weight. I started letting those thoughts run wild through my head. But I took a moment and I just breathed. AH, the power of the breath! I have no control over this situation, I have to follow the rules, and trust the healing process. I honestly deep down think, that my body needs this break. I have been hard on it for a good long time and for the past couple of weeks, with the extra stress, I have noticed my hamstrings have been super tight as well as my lower back. I think it’s been telling me something and just MAYBE this is the right time to chill out, heal, nourish, and come back stronger than ever?


Probably the hardest part for me...Because let’s face it, when it comes to doing the work on yourself, that shit ain’t easy! I talked about this in last week’s post...I knew I needed to PIVOT and prepping for the surgery was a PERFECT time to do just that. I had to change the narrative.

I knew that I had to go into this surgery with all the positive vibes. I had to trust the process, the doctors, the prepping, the surgery, the post surgery, and ALL THE THINGS. I felt a serious shift the week before the surgery. I welcomed it. I embraced it. The change in my energy, my attitude, and my vibe felt really really really GOOD. And the timing could not have been more on point. I was ready to do this.

The day of the surgery I felt like I was walking up to the start line of a ½ marathon or even a field hockey game. I had the nerves. I had a little bit of fear. I had the mind frame of let’s just freaking do this! Shannon was by my side and I walked in and was ready to go. There was no turning back…It was GO TIME!


I will break it all down soon…Stay tuned!



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It's Time To PIVOT