Ways To Support Your Gut Health

Are you getting tired yet of hearing or reading how important it is "NOW MORE THAN EVER" to make sure that you stay healthy, safe, and sane?!?!? I am getting tired of a lot of things these days, but that is a post for another day and time. Truthfully though, your health is VERY important right now and something that you should take seriously. And I am not just talking about what you are eating (but that is obviously just as important too), staying healthy right now means ALL THE THINGS...Physical, mental, and emotional health is just as important. Whether we want to admit it or not, our lives are just DIFFERENT right now and if you find that you have some extra time during your days, now is the time to take a look at your overall health and see if you need to make some changes, so that you can stay healthy, strong, and sane inside and out. 

Today I want to talk about our GUTS and ways that you can support your gut during the summer months, but also during times like this. I call it the 2020  show! It is affecting all of us and it can wreak havoc on our minds and bodies. For me personally, I have experienced a lack of sleep, constipation, sad thoughts, again ALL THE THINGS...BUT...I have also put in the work during this time to reverse those negative side effects and to just try to live my best life so that I can feel my best inside and out. Just like everything else in life, it does take work...you have to listen to your body...you have to figure out what works best for YOU! I know that I say that a lot, but gosh darn it, it is the truth, and I will keep repeating it until y'all hear me and listen to me. 


This is probably my favorite thing to do, even in the southern heat! I have had to make adjustments to the times that I do walk with Lucy, because the heat and humidity have just been way too intense for her and myself...SO...we just wake up earlier and we head out the door earlier. Even at 6:45 AM on the beach, I have worked up a sweat. You have to get OUTSIDE. We need the fresh air. We need sunshine. Being outside just feels good. Embrace the sweat and let it just come out of your body, you can shower when you get home. Who knows what the hell is going to happen this Fall/Winter, so you might as well take advantage of these long summer days while you can. Put your sunscreen on...Put on a hat...Bring your bottle of water and get OUTSIDE!


If I am going to talk about sweating and building up your strength, you know that I have to include a workout. This time we are going to focus on strength, so grab your dumbbells. Another one of my kickass workouts, that requires minimal equipment, so you can do it anywhere...the gym...your garage, basement, front porch, the park...wherever your heart desires. Just grab a set of dumbbells, a yoga mat, and your beautiful body and you are good to go. 

Maintaining a strong body during this time and throughout your life is so important for your overall health! We have covered this topic before, so read why I emphasize strength training so much HERE!

Now that we have covered that, let us talk about this workout. I warmed up with 45 minutes of cardio. The actual workout takes about 30 minutes, so do what works for you and your schedule. I used 15 lbs dumbbells for this workout, because during this crazy time, I have worked a lot on my strength, and I keep getting stronger. I love to lift heavier. It gives MY body more definition, I feel better, I look better, and it increases my appetite...BOOM! Look it over and let me know if you have any questions.  


I have been taking a probiotic before the #2020shitstorm came upon us and it has been a game-changer for me. I wrote about it a few months ago HERE. I recently started taking FR!SKA a week ago (I like to switch up my probiotics and was recommended that I do so). I love their saying “ BIG BELLY BENEFITS IN EVERY LITTLE CAPSULE”!

FR!SKA Women’s Daily

  • Promotes healthy digestion while improving immune function and overall mood.

  • Prevents bloating and discomfort.

  • With cranberry extract, biotin, and vitamin D to support urinary tract health, strong bone, and hair growth.

I love taking a probiotic and will continue doing so, because I love that it is helping with my digestion, my gut health, and my overall well-being, which obviously, is so important now.


When you eat GOOD foods you feel GOOD! I know that it can be tempting to just throw in the towel and so F*^K it...but don't do that! YES, this time is stressful and when we get stressed it is so easy to just eat all those salty, sugary comfort foods, because food is emotional too. They may taste good at the moment, but the side effects NOT SO GOOD. Set yourself up for success, by stocking up on all the delicious summer produce...Meal Prep...Grill outside, so you can get outside. Follow inspiring foodies to keep you motivated and inspired to try new things. Set yourself up for success and take the time to nourish your body with GOOD FOODS!

Things that I ALWAYS keep in my fridge/freezer during the summer months:

  • Peaches, Pineapple, Blueberries, and a couple of apples when I need to switch things up;

  • Eggs - so versatile and you can have them any time of day;

  • Chicken, Ground Beef, Salmon

  • Hummus, Avocados, Peanut Butter

  • GOOD bread...Yes, I keep my bread in the fridge, because I need it toasted.

It is all connected...when you take care of yourself, your mind, body, and even your gut, you FEEL better inside and outside. And when this all comes together, you are a happier, stronger, and all-around better person. And when people see that you inspire them to do the same. I know that what I say here can sometimes be repetitive, but we need to hear it and we need to be reminded of these things. Life is short and who knows what is going to happen next, so we might as well look our best...feel our best...kick ass...and enjoy life to the fullest. 



Pressing The Reset Button


Food For Thought