Hello Friends! How is everyone? How is Summer treating y’all? Life has been busy, but good, and feeling grateful for everything that we have been able to do already this summer. Work Hard…Play Hard! I have been hustling and working incredibly hard and it just isn’t slowing down. Up before 6:00 AM and working until after 7:00 PM. It’s been NUTS, but in all honesty, I feel that I thrive on the intensity of work. I love a little bit of the chaos. I love what I do and all of this hard work is paying off. But SHEESH, I feel worked to the bone and Shannon has been working like crazy too. On a total side note, another one of the many things that I love about our relationship is that I am with someone who is an entrepreneur, works hard, and just gets it. We just do our thing day in and day out. As some of you know, when you work for yourself it is non-stop and if you do not get it done, no one else will. With that being said…

Grab some coffee, tea, or a glass of wine and let us just chat today about life and such…

LIFE: It has been busy. There have been some ups and downs, just like everything else, but it has been fun. We just got back from a quick trip to Aruba with friends. It was AMAZING and it felt good to soak up the sun…drink all the drinks…eat all the food…and spend time with new and old friends. YES…I had to work and I worked out, but that’s me and it is what works for me. I was able to disconnect and I did cut back on my workouts and I did sleep in, so it was a successful trip. We will definitely be going back and I cannot wait. We have some other trips planned for the summer, so it is going to be a busy one, but it’s how we roll and I am so grateful that we can live this life we live!

WORK: It has been crazy busy and this work never ends…No matter what day of the week, you can find me scrolling, liking, commenting, sending emails, placing orders, writing, creating, connecting, and basically doing it all from my desk in my home or on some tropical island or in the air or on the road. I cannot remember the last time that I did spend some sort of time doing work, but that is OKAY and for me it works. Of course, I have moments of burn out…or doubt…stress…major frustrations…but such is life and work. Especially in this kookie world of social media it is always changing and you just have to breathe, keep trucking, and learning. I love the direction that my clients are going. As far as my own brand, it’s been hard to put a lot of time into this, as I can only do so much. For example, I love posting about food, fitness, and little pieces of my personal life. But I cannot stand doing my own Instagram stories. I do not like doing them. I do not have the time to do them and honestly, they are not serving me in my life at this time.

I have to do what pays the bills, what pays for my lifestyle, and what speaks to me. Making my clients shine is what is inspiring me and that is exactly what I am going to do.


SUPER simple and SUPER easy…Nothing fancy is happening in my kitchen! Let’s be real here, I really don’t like to cook, but I am so grateful to have friends who LOVE to cook and when I am with them, they feed me well. Rib-Eyes and homemade caesar salads and good wine…YES and PLEASE!!! Does anyone else love rib-eyes as much as I do? When my body craves red meat, it is game on and that meat does not stand a chance. And all the juicy fat…it definitely does not go to waste. I need the fat and the iron. SO DANG GOOD!

When it comes to my meals and Shannon’s, we both eat very differently. At the end of the day, Shannon typically eats early and I eat late. I typically will eat dinner between 7:30 and 8:00 PM, depending on work and if I am still responding to emails. There is nothing to brag about my meals, but if you even care or want to know, they look a lot like this. I am tired. It is hot as heck outside and I just want simple and easy. I have been eating a lot of chicken salad and tuna salad sandwiches, lots of crunchy chips taco salad kind of ensembles, salads, burgers, and even bacon and eggs. I want it ready FAST. It is what my body is craving and I am feeding it what it wants. But the craving for tortilla chips lately, has been through the roof. My favorite ones are these that I get from Costco!


As of lately, I have been all over the place with my training. I am just doing what my body craves! The sweat factor though has been UNREAL! Sometimes I wonder where it comes from and how I can literally sweat that much on a daily basis. YES, the heat and humidity are a big factor, but if you could see what I look like after, you would understand. I LOVE it though and to me, it’s just my body getting all that crap out!

If you want to workout with me in Charleston make sure to join me at Method Ride as I have been spending A LOT of time at this studio. It also helps that it is less than 2 miles away from my home, so it is kind of a no brainer. I have been craving getting back on the mat again, so more yoga at The Works will be happening!

Since it is Summer and I know that a lot of people are traveling, including myself, I have got another sweaty workout for YOU! No equipment needed, just that beautiful body of yours, some music, and some water! it is ONLY 15 minutes, but it gets the job done. If you have more time to workout, take it up a notch and do more rounds…add some dumbbells…or even add some cardio in between each circuit.

What else can I share with you??? We have a few trips coming up that I am looking forward to. These quick getaway trips always help me get out of my routine and take some time to breathe, which as of lately, has not been happening much. It’s summer though and it is my favorite time of year and I am just happy, grateful, and ready to ENJOY it and make my business grow, thrive, and ROCK IT ALL!

So tell me…

What’s new with YOU!?!?!


