*This is a paid partnership with GoDaddy. I’m partnering with GoDaddy to share my tips and tricks in their community chat. All opinions and statements are my own.*

ALL THE THINGS...We are ALL feeling the effects of COVID-19...We have ALL been affected by it financially emotionally, and physically. It is a LOT and it is something that we WILL overcome and we WILL come out stronger and we WILL do this together! I do truly believe this, but it is going to take a lot of work, time, and patience. Oh and lots of positivity! Put those “Positive Patty” pants on people!!!

I have been very transparent throughout this situation. I am grateful that Shannon has been my rock throughout the COVID-19. He has been calm and patient with me, because lordy, I have been a hot mess. As an entrepreneur, this has been a very scary time for me. Over the past couple of weeks, trying to figure out what exactly is going to happen with my brand and my clients, has been stressful and scary. Each day brings new news, rules, regulations, so we are constantly having to adjust and wrap our heads around the “what is next” scenario? It is truly exhausting.

BUT...We are coming together as a community and as a society and this is inspiring, which is why I am so excited to be partnering with GoDaddy to share my business tips & tricks in their NEW community chat on how all of us entrepreneurs can continue to grow our businesses during this period. Here are some things that I am doing each day to continue to grow my brand and my client’s businesses.


  • Be REAL: My photos and videos are far from perfect, but they are ME just being ME. Amidst this chaos, I have found “my purpose” again. I have found my voice. I have become comfortable with being in front of the camera and speaking. My true colors are coming through and it is real and I and I love it! 

  • Practice self-care: We have to take care of ourselves during times like this! Make your health a priority during this time so that you can stay healthy, safe, and sane. Move your body daily, HYDRATE, eat good, wholesome, and nourishing foods, set up a daily routine that makes you feel good at the end of the day, take advantage of this time to do housework that you have been wanting to do for years. Setting yourself up for success during this time, will make you feel much better, when we come out of this.

  • Keep INSPIRING: As hard as it may be some days, I still feel the need to post inspiring workouts, quotes, healthy foods with everyone. It is so easy to go into that dark rabbit hole and I don’t want to go there and I don’t want my followers to go there. So I will keep trucking and keep sharing ALL THE GOOD STUFF!


  • Be REAL: Just doing the same thing that I am doing with my personal brand!

  • Keep the followers and buyers spirits UP: Easier said than done, but necessary! I believe so much in my clients and their products and what they can offer to the masses, so it comes naturally to me to make sure people are being educated and uplifted with healthy food, recipes, and community projects. I love this stuff and I love them and seeing everyone come together and support each other through these hard times keeps me inspired and trucking along!

  • Be grateful for all of the support: This POST from one of my clients was so heartwarming, inspiring, and resonated so well with the community and followers from all over the country. This is the REAL good stuff!!!

  • Offer sales and giveaways: A great way to keep followers and buyers engaged is to offer them sales and giveaways. Since we are all stuck at home, offering products to be delivered to them is a simple way to keep spirits up, because who doesn’t like to receive a package...Like this ONE! 

Be even more available: This applies to not only my clients, but also their customers. Make them feel good...Respond, engage, share, just be there for them! It’s the little things in times like this, so simple gestures can really go a long way with your followers and buyers.

Check out GoDaddy’s microsite #OpenWeStnad for resources, inspiration, and connection to other entrepreneurs during COVID-19.

Stay strong and healthy my friends, because we WILL get through this! xoxo


