Simple Feel Good Changes For The Holidays

We aren’t meant to stay the SAME! Just as life changes, our bodies, our goals, our needs, our perspectives, are always CHANGING! As a little bit of a control freak, accepting change has always been hard for me. The past couple of months there has been a lot of CHANGE. A lot of patience...a lot of unknown...a lot of patience, slowing down, and GRACE!

“There are seasons and cycles in us, just as there are in nature. Learn to recognize and honor the seasons and cycles of the soul.” - Melody Beattie

I have always believed that things happen for a reason. The universe presents us with choices ALL the time and it is up to us if we want to acknowledge them or ignore them. I have for so long been a stubborn SOB and ignored signs, because I was unwilling to change. But gosh darn, the universe is just as stubborn and more stubborn than me, and those signs keep resurfacing. Within the past two years, I have accepted what needs work in my life, and day by day I am making small changes to be the best version of me and in return the universe is rewarding me. Doing the work on myself is and has been hard as hell, humbling, frustrating, but also one of the best things that I can do for myself and my relationships, even if I am 42 years old. I am just beginning…

My Healthy Changes for the HOLIDAYS

Listening To My GUT

As I navigate my health journey, I have really worked hard on listening to my body and what foods make me feel good, and which ones don’t. The cost of years of restriction and over-exercising has definitely messed with my gut and recently I have really noticed that there are foods that are no longer serving me or bringing me the same comfort that they used to, during the times of my eating disorder.

For example…Apples cause serious havoc on my gut and cause lots of bloating and stomach pains…Peanut Butter used to be a serious crutch for me and I would eat LOTS of it, but again too much of it now causes bloating and stomach pains, so now I just enjoy it a few times a week, or when I really crave it. The same can be said for protein powders, bananas, oatmeal, brussels sprouts, white potatoes (don’t worry, I have no issues with french fries).

Instead of looking at this negatively and complaining about what I can no longer eat, it is forcing me to step outside my comfort zone and eat more of a variety of foods and my body is REJOICING to this. More bread, pasta, big ass salads, jasmine rice, eating out and trying new restaurants, more date nights in the middle of the week. For me, this is taking time and small changes daily and weekly, but I already feel so much better and my gut feels a hell of a lot better. Small changes that are leading to a happier, healthier, and more social Katie, which in the long run is what all this work is about! 

Skin Care

This is honestly the longest that I have stuck with a skincare product! I usually give up on it and go back to using a bar of soap (YES, I said that out loud, as I am so beyond basic with my skincare routine), but I have been making small CHANGES lately to be healthier, happier, and that also involves taking better care of my skin. I don’t know what the hell took me so long, but maybe it’s because I FINALLY found something that TRULY works. This gel does everything for my skin. I LOVE everything about it and the benefits and uses for it is a long list…See below

Ameo Life Extra Strength Silver Gel

  • Can be used as a makeup primer;

  • Naturally supports the skin;

  • 35 ppm of silver and is pH balanced;

  • Safe and effective for all parts of the body;

  • Helps calm and soothe the skin;

  • Promotes the skin's ability to naturally heal;

  • Gel has been formulated to soothe and rejuvenate the skin naturally and is safe to use on all areas of this skin including the most “sensitive” areas

  • Alcohol-free…99.9% pure silver…Made in the USA…GMO-free!


When you finally get a vitamin/supplement routine that works...WINNING! I always go back and forth if I need to take all of these supplements, or if I should take more, or if I shouldn’t take any, but after doing the research, talking to the professionals, and listening to my body, I 100% believe it is necessary and my regimen is what works for me and my lifestyle. No matter how well I eat or how much I eat, how much sunshine I get, how much daily movement I do, it is really hard to get all the nutrients that I need to keep my immune system strong and my body healthy and functioning, with just FOOD.

Also, as my body heals from years of restriction and over-exercising, I am also working on my gut health as well as just getting my body back to a happy weight and happy place and my vitamins and supplements are also assisting with this as well. Here is what I am currently taking. And PLEASE remember, that what works for me is probably NOT going to work for you, so do your research and talk to the professionals.

  • Ameo Life Probiotics: Read more HERE as to why I LOVE taking a probiotic!

  • Milk thistle: Supports liver health; Aids in natural detoxification of body; Supports immune system;

  • Magnesium: Nature’s Xanax; Relaxes smooth muscles in the body for better elimination and deeper sleep;

  • Digestive enzymes: Supports the natural breakdown of food for better digestion; Optimizes absorption of nutrients; Minimizes bloating; Enhances elimination (aka: healthier bowel movements)!


This is a very BROAD term and one that gets used a lot these days, but for me “SELF-LOVE” is a little bit of this and that this month. It has involved slowing down...more rest days...less intense exercising…less time on the phone and computer…more time eating outside…making more time for Shannon and friends. They are simple, small, and easy attainable changes, because I want to set myself up for success. I want to be able to do things that bring me joy. There is no reason to complicate food, exercise, and taking care of yourself. Daily small changes are the way to go!

I hope that you enjoy the holiday season with lots of LOVE, LAUGHTER, good FOOD, and good WINE!

Merry Merry!



How MOVEMENT Has Changed For Me


Home For The HOLIDAY