I love my strong little legs! I work hard to keep them strong so that they allow me to do the things that I LOVE...

These legs help me run hard and long distances...

These legs help me hold yoga poses...

These legs help me carry and lift heavy bags, boxes, and of course, Lucy...

These legs are beautiful with their defined muscles, scars, and yes even cellulite!

So how do I keep my legs strong? Just like everything else in life, it takes hard work, patience, and yes some experimenting. Lately, I have been doing more strength training workouts. I always dedicate one full workout to just legs. My other 2 strength training days, which focus on upper body and core, I will incorporate more body weight exercises that focus on legs, higher repetitions, less weight. This is what works for me! It is a good balance. I feel good. I feel strong. I like the way my legs look when I train this way!

I LOVE this workout, which is why I want to share it with all of YOU! It is efficient, effective, and gets the job DONE! This workout not only strengthens your legs, but it also builds endurance, improves your balance, and works your CORE. I cannot create a workout that doesn't include CORE work because we all know how important it is to have a strong CORE! So make sure to print this workout out...Look it over...And please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I love hearing from all of you!

What is your favorite leg exercise?

What is your least favorite leg exercise?


Powerflow Yoga Studio In New Jersey


30 Day Challenge With Lauren: Guest Post