Twist All The Bad Stuff OUT...

"Learn to open to the subtle guidance and messages your body sends to you about what it likes, what it dislikes, what it leans toward, and what it leans away from. Learn to see where it's leading you. Talk to your body. Ask it what it wants. Then let it show you. Respect it enough to listen...

Trust the wisdom of your body, for it often reflects the wisdom of your soul" - Melody Beattie

Running and Yoga are my bliss! No matter how hard, challenging, or frustrating these forms of activity can be, I am always smiling! I like the way running and yoga make me feel inside and out. I like the peacefulness of being alone on the pavement and being at peace on my mat. It is "me" time that allows me to reflect, recharge, and just sweat it all out...that includes both the good and the bad. 

So it is time to talk about TWISTING!!! 

Twist all the bad stuff out, so that you can let all the good stuff in! Twisting yoga poses are hard! They are challenging poses that can leave us physically feeling frustrated and unbalanced. They also can leave us feeling emotionally angry and upset. All of these physical and emotional side effects are totally normal and you should feel this way because twisting yoga poses are all about releasing the toxins. 

Below are some of my favorite twisting yoga poses that help me twist out the bad stuff, so that I become more open physically and emotionally, to let the positive energy in. These poses help strengthen, stretch, and improve my balance, posture, and core. All of these poses are also beneficial to my other activities that I participate in, especially now that I am running outside more and increasing my mileage. 

I hope that you will try to incorporate these twisting poses into your next practice! Enjoy!


  • Probably my favorite twisting pose...I could stay in this one for a very long time!

  • Make sure your front heel is intersecting the arch of your back foot;

  • Keep both legs straight and engaged;

  • As you look up...twist..breathe...and open yourself to going deeper into the pose without compromising the form!

Lunge With Twist

  • I may be smiling in this pose, but it is definitely my least favorite twist...It makes me agitated!

  • Keep your back heel lifted and your front foot heel flat on the ground;

  • Use your elbow to push into your knee to twist and open;

  • I like to use my thumbs to press into my breastbone to keep me centered and stable!

Extended Side Angle

  • Make sure your front heel is intersecting the arch of your back foot;

  • Use your elbow that is on the ground to push your knee out to open your hip and help with the full expression of the pose;

  • Keep your overhead arm straight as you look up and twist your heart and ribs open!

Kneeling Twist With Quad Stretch

  • Breathe deeply into this pose as this one hurts so good after a long run;

  • Do not let your front knee go over your toes, while you reach for your back foot;

  • Keep your front arm straight and keep twisting deeper into the pose with each breath and as you bring your bent leg closer to your butt. Your quadriceps will thank me later!

Seated Twist

  • Remember to keep your straight leg flexed and your bent knee foot flat on the ground;

  • Keep your straight arm close to your side to help your stay tall and with good form;

  • Use your bent elbow to also stay tall, but help you twist deeper into the twist!

Seated Twist With Bind:

  • Take your seated twist just a little bit further and deeper, by wrapping your arm around your back and connecting with your front hand and hold;

  • Remember to keep both hips on the ground (as soon as one pops up, back off the pose)

  • Keep your posture tall and straight and twist...breathe...twist deeper!

What is your favorite and least favorite TWISTING yoga pose?


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Thursday Thoughts