Weekend Ramblings

On the weekends I typically try to fully disconnect, but sometimes that changes and I end diving head first into work projects. I get into a groove and just go with it. Sometimes this totally backfires on me and then come the following weekend I am totally burnt out. This weekend was one of those weekends I worked away. It was gray and dreary and I had the energy and the ideas flowing, so I tackled it all. So join me in my "Weekend Ramblings"! 

I have a Saturday routine...No joke this happens almost every Saturday. I really need to work on sleeping in more, especially since warmer days are right around the corner. I'll blame it on winter and the crappy gray weather. 

  • 6:00 AM wake up...It is way too early and I need to change this!

  • Coffee

  • Workout

  • EAT

  • Nap - which typically ends up being 1 - 1 1/2 hours

  • Disconnect + Relax + Wine + Food with family and friends!

Almost ALL of my meals seem to be eaten out of bowls... Is it weird that I really enjoy eating almost all my meals out of bowl? Here is the proof...

  • Chinese Take Out...A little bit of this and that!

  • Sweet Potato

  • Kale, Riced Cauliflower, and Trader Joe's Tempeh (love the extra protein and texture!)

  • Seasoned with garlic powder, red pepper flakes, black pepper

Costco cherry pie and vanilla ice cream (Costco has AMAZING baked goods!)

Workout GOALS...

  • Get outside more! (the weather has been a huge damper on my Vitamin D intake)

  • Variety - I have gotten into the rut of doing a lot of cardio lately and I need to switch it up and bring back the booty and strength. Yes, that booty of mine has been looking like a flat pancake and needs a little boost. I have been finding some awesome inspiration and workouts from Emily Schromm. She's one badass woman!

What lies ahead...As the seasons change, I have noticed that I am ready for a change! It is probably the Pisces in me that always has my mind wondering, dreaming, and exploring. The past few months have been a time of healing and nourishing and happiness. But it has also been a time of uncertainty, confusion, and nervousness. When you are 38 and still single and all of your friends are married with kids and owning houses and you are here trying to figure out what the hell you are truly meant to do with your life, it can be scary. But leave it to Mom to snap you out of it and put things in perspective. I have my health. I have a loving family. I have beautiful, inspiring, and supportive friends. And when you are single, the world is your oyster and you can do what you want. So we shall see my friends...Buckle up it's going to be a fun ride!

I hope y'all had a beautiful weekend and cheers to a new week! xoxo

Do you have a weekend routine? 

Bowls or Plates?


Get a Taste of ADVENTURE


Chocolate Nutiva Cauliflower Smoothie