Why Vegas Was A Success For ME

With each trip that I take, they become easier and easier! This is such a HUGE step for me on my health journey and I am so proud of myself for never giving up…continuing to do the work…believing in myself…loving myself…giving myself LOTS of grace…My journey to healing has been slow and steady, but the work has been working and this trip truly proved it! I was having some doubts about going, because I do with any trip. It is usually the ED trying to come back into my mind to fuck things up, make me feel like shit, and take me away from living life. And while walking Lucy the other day, I have becoming more and more attuned to my patterns and I have some toxic patterns before going on vacation. But now I see them…I can recognize them…And more importantly I have the tools now with how to take care of them. BOOM…There is the work!

Anyway, I digress…This trip to Las Vegas was so much fun. It was spent with REALLY good people. I did everything that I wanted to do. I came back happy and confident. This trip was a milestone in my journey!


In the past, I have NOT kind to my body on vacation! Some trips were better than others, but there was always this level of anxiety regarding FOOD! I was so afraid I was going to gain weight, miss workouts, and fall off the wagon. Meanwhile, I was missing out on all the good food, social situations, and bingeing in the evenings. It has a toxic and horrible cycle that I couldn’t break…Until I started doing the hard work!

On this trip, I didn’t restrict and I didn’t binge. This was a HUGE accomplishment for me and one that I am very proud of. I ate what I wanted to eat and that included sandwiches, salads, steaks EVERY NIGHT, bread, desert, and all the wine. I felt amazing. I was energized. I was so so so freaking HAPPY! I was living and enjoying vacation. I am sure I gained weight and there was a lot of water retention from the booze, salt, and foods I am not normally used too, but I didn’t care. Again, I was HAPPY and I loved every single bite and sip!


Working out on vacation has always been a MUST for me, but on this trip, something changed and it was for the best! Aria had a beautiful gym with everything I could possibly want, but I just wasn’t feeling it and I didn’t really feel like I needed to. I got in two workouts out of the 4 days and this was NOT what “old Katie” used to do.

I used to go balls to the walls and try to sweat everything out and do almost two hour workouts…SIGH! This time I was like “meh”. This time I found more joy spending time with Shannon and our friends, laying in bed drinking coffee, resting, recovering, and just being. Gosh it felt freaking good and I’m glad that I listened to my body, because yes it was filled with wine and exceptionally delicious and decadent food, but at the same time I also think my body was tired and needed some time to rest.

I think there are time, places, and vacations when I can do all the workouts, but this one was not one of them and I have no regrets about doing just that!


I let go of a lot of “old Katie” rules on this trip and when I did that I felt FREE! I was happier, more present, more relaxed, more all the positive things when you let go of toxicity. I cannot tell you how good this felt. I used to carry around so much shit with me in my mind and in my suitcase (I used to always bring all those bars, snacks, protein powders, and plenty of workout clothes). It was exhausting to take so many RULES with you on vacation, when on vacation you are supposed to be living and relaxing and enjoying LIFE!

I felt at peace with letting go of old habits and old rules! It was a damn good accomplishment!


I did just that the entire trip and this is what felt the best out of everything else that was on the list of my accomplishments!

It was the perfect amount of time to spend in Vegas. When we woke up on Saturday morning, I was ready to get home, get back into my routine, sweat, hydrate, eat lots of vegetables and take a bit of a break from rib eyes…LOL! It was really nice to come back late Saturday night, so that we both had a full day on Sunday to recover. I didn’t feel a sense of rush or “Sunday Scaries” so this was GOOD. I was determined though on Sunday to show up for Chandler’s class at 10:00 AM at The Works. That was the only commitment I had and I didn’t care how much meat and wine came out of my pores, I would be there.

It was a long flight and an overall long day of travel back home, so I had a lot of time to think and process the trip, but also plan out my week ahead and what I wanted to look like physically and nutritionally. Not ONCE did I think about restricting, because, honestly, it’s an energy vampire and it makes me more hungry, angry, and exhausted, so not going to happen, nor did it happen. I actually ate more…I drank tons of water…I signed up for my classes for the week and I knew in my head what I was going to do for my workouts, and I was in an overall good head space.

I know my body knows what to do and I just gave it grace and rest. This is such an incredibly positive decision for me to have made and I can honestly say that my body and mind are in such a better place. I mean who would have thought I would have felt like such a badass coming back from Vegas…You don’t hear that very often! LOL!

It was an incredible trip and learning experience and I have NO REGRETS!



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Healing From The Inside OUT