4 REAL Ways to Get Back Into The Routine

I thought this would be an appropriate topic to talk about this week, since we just got back from a weekend in  Wisconsin on Monday evening, and well typically weekends in Wisconsin take me a few days to recover...LOL! But also because when I opened up about Holding MYSELF Accountable last week, this trip was the perfect time to do THE WORK and really follow through with not letting my triggers take me down a dark hole of restriction, over-exercising, and bingeing, especially when we arrived home.

I am so PROUD OF MYSELF, because I did THE WORK, I felt great, and I kind of just let go, which in turn allowed me to just be present, to relax, to live in the moment, and feel in control. I am sure that some people read these posts and don’t understand these thoughts, the process, and the mind-fuck that an eating disorder can be. To not get too off topic, I will just say that it can wreak havoc on your mind, your gut, your overall happiness...It is an energy vampire that sucks the fun out of life. So, YES, there have been trips that have been hard for me, but as I move forward, they are getting easier, more fun, and that just makes ME happy!

Let’s get back to the topic at hand...

I think it is so IMPORTANT to just keep it simple when it comes to getting back into the routine, whether it is after a big weekend, a vacation, an injury, or you just wanted to take a break. When we keep things simple and we focus on the BASICS, our bodies and minds respond better. Detoxing, dieting, restricting, signing up for challenges, can wreak a lot of havoc on not only our bodies, but our minds too. And trust me, I speak from experience! You want to have tips that can hold you accountable for the long-term, so that you can look and feel good inside out ALL THE TIME!

With that being said, here are FOUR things that I do, to help me get back into my routine. Basic, simple, and most importantly, things that are attainable for the long-term. And YES, it requires work. Health and fitness don’t magically happen, so put in the time because YOU ARE WORTH IT!


A no brainer, but while away sometimes we drink less water and drink more wine, beer, or martinis instead. It happens, it is life, and you were enjoying life, and that is what matters! If you over did it, no big deal, just make sure when you wake up, just hydrate and aim to hydrate throughout the day. When it comes to a day of travel, I am very conscious to drink ALL THE WATER! Maybe not so much when we drive, because I pee ALL THE TIME, but when it comes to flying, I personally need to stay super hydrated. I will get swollen, bloated, and sometimes even constipated. It is the worst, but the more water I drink the easier it is travel and to bounce back from a weekend away. Stay away from the sugary drinks, the fake ingredients, the crap…Just drink the water and if that’s hard for you, add a slice of lemon, lime, or cucumber.


When I woke up on Sunday in Wisconsin, I knew that I had the whole day to relax, read, maybe do some work, soak up the sunshine, and plan for the week ahead. After two full days of NOT working out, I wanted to do something, but knew I needed to give my body some more rest, so instead I opted for a long walk through the corn fields. It was beautiful. While on my walk, I thought about what I wanted to do this week, so when I got back to the house, I wrote my list of “to do’s” down, which included blogging, posts, meals, personal goals, and also what I wanted to do for my workouts.

YES, I am Type A and I love to plan, but more importantly it holds me accountable! I also knew that if the weather was going to be this beautiful on Monday before our flights, my body would be ready for a run. I was going to run 4, but the sunrise, the lake, the breeze, I just wanted to keep going, and I felt so GOOD! Two full rest days served me well mentally and physically. And I have showed up to all of my classes and I feel sore, strong, but also happy and glad that I planned!

If you want to come back and feel strong and refreshed, just take some extra time to write your plan out for the week not only with your workouts, but with everything else. It is a good way to get right back into the routine and for you to feel good about yourself and all the things you accomplished. Write it down and cross it off one day at a time…It’s so satisfying!


AHHHH…so many foods that I am not used to eating at home, definitely get eaten while on vacation. These days, I just lean into it…I eat the food…I try to not to overdo it, but that’s hard when there is a plate of loaded nachos in front of me, damn those crunchy chips and salt…LOL! I am typically bloated and uncomfortable for a day or so after, but I don’t beat myself up anymore. I don’t restrict anymore. I just eat the food, have fun, and enjoy the moments.

When I come home and just eat real, simple, nourishing foods. I go back to the basics. I also just listen to my body. I knew after this trip, that I wanted a break from meat. I needed lots of berries. I had to focus on protein and give me all the veggies please. So all I have been doing is making simple, easy, BASIC wholesome meals. No detox…No diet…No stupid rules…I just go back to what I was eating before, with a just a little bit more tuning in to what my body is craving and then I am back to ME!


 This can sometimes be the hardest thing for me, but wasting time and energy on beating yourself up about what you ate or drank or didn’t do for workouts is NOT WORTH IT! When you start to worry, stress, let the negative thoughts control your mind, your body freaks out and in turns is going to rebel against you. Been there…done that…felt that! It’s not only uncomfortable physically, but you are exhausted mentally. So much time wasted, when you instead could be having fun, living life, making new connections, being PRESENT with those your love!

My advice is to relax, take a deep breath, journal, call a friend, go for a walk, and then think about the amazing time you had…the food…the drinks…the memories…the laughter…the LOVE!

Give yourself GRACE…

Eat the FOOD…

Drink the MARTINI…

Live your BEST LIFE…

Come back with no regrets, just a happy heart, and then get back into your routine! Start with these 4 steps and you will be good to go and hopefully get into the routine of using them for the long-term too.



Why I Take A Probiotic


Holding MYSELF Accountable