Currently In November

Currently Feeling

Anxious…Nervous…Scared…but trying to remain hopeful, grateful, and pray for the future of this country! I feel like we are walking around like zombies waiting to see what happens next and not waiting for a good thing. To me, this is so heartbreaking, especially with the holidays upon us. Being told how many people we can celebrate with, what we can and can’t do, I’m sorry but this is not NORMAL and I want my old NORMAL way of life back. This is not fair to families, businesses, to kids…whether you want to admit it or not, this is taking a toll on people. We desperately need to MOVE FORWARD!

To help me feel more at ease, I have made sure to focus on the little things that bring me JOY…movement, good food, reading, spending time outside, and just leaning always on my people. Here are a few things that have been “CURRENTLY” happening in November!

Currently Eating

Can we talk about these clusters for a hot minute?!?!?!?! I can’t stop and won’t stop eating Bee Free. It is so darn good. I have finally found a cluster that feeds my needs, but is also HEALTHY too. Their Warrior Mixes are paleo, gluten-free, no preservatives, no artificial ingredients, and NO JUNK! Just raw, clean, real ingredients that you can actually pronounce. 

How do I eat Bee Free

  • Straight out of the bag;

  • With fruit and unsweetened coconut milk;

  • Dipped into peanut butter;

  • Paired with a honey crisp apple or ruby red grapefruit!

Make sure to place your order by clicking on this LINK. Then use WARRIORSTRONG30 at checkout to get 30% off your FIRST order. There is free shipping on orders over $45.00 and I am hoping that as I get more involved I can do some giveaways and even offer some more discounts, so please stay tuned. In the meantime, stock up and enjoy it for yourself or shop for the holidays!

Also, my appetite has been on FIRE the past couple of weeks. I am not sure if it is my workouts, hormones, stress, the change in seasons, but damn, I just want to eat all the chips, crispy bread, and even cookies. These waves come and go and sometimes you just have to ride them out, feed your body, and feed your soul with the things that make you happy.

So what has currently been making my belly happy is the rotisserie chicken salad from Costco with Food Should Taste Good tortilla chips! The easiest dinner ever and gosh darn it tastes good. I swear the chicken salad is under there…LOL!

Currently Reading

I just finished “The Other Woman” and it was AMAZING!!! I could not put it down. It has been a while since I have read a book and stayed up way past my bedtime because I just couldn’t stop turning the pages. Add it to your list and let me know what you think!

This week I just started “The Guest List”. I actually have two of Lucy Foley’s books from the library that I need to get through before the end of the month and I have heard good things, so stay tuned.

Currently Enjoying

Running and walking in NATURE! So grateful to live in this beautiful state and have access to the beach and pretty neighborhoods to run through. Just being able to get outside, soak up the sunshine, breathe in the salty fresh air, and move my body is pure BLISS!

Currently Using

I partnered up with WITHINGS to talk about their body composition wi-fi scale. 

  • Body+ keeps track of not only my weight, but offers a full body composition analysis, which includes BMI, total body fat, muscle mass, bone mass, and water percentage!

  • I LOVE the Health Mate app! It is FREE, easy to navigate, Body+ automatically syncs all my data via Wi-Fi directly to my phone, and it offers a PLETHORA of information to record, to help stay on track with my goals, nutrition, and overall fitness. 

  • Body+ was rated the best-selling smart scale in the U.S in 2019 (according to NPD).

I am working on putting together a blog post after Thanksgiving to talk about the SCALE, because this is a topic that I want to talk about with y’all. I’m going to go into depth about my experience with the scale and share some thoughts from friends in the wellness and fitness fields. It is going to be a good post with LOTS of informative information.

Remember this though...we are not defined by that number, we are MORE than that, we are STRONGER than that, and we cannot allow ourselves to be ruled or obsessed about that number. With that being said, knowing what you weigh and making sure to check-in, and using a scale that provides MORE insights than just your weight is educational, motivating, and provides a different perspective as to how you can live your healthiest and strongest life. 

Use code - FITNESS - to get 20% off Body+ until November 30th! Click on this LINK to learn more.

Currently Ready

To escape for the weekend, before Thanksgiving week, and for THANKSGIVING! We are not going anywhere this year to visit family, so it is just going to be the three of us and a pick-up Thanksgiving dinner from Hall’s Chophouse, because it is just easier not to cook and who can say NO to food from Hall’s Chophouse?!?!? Really excited about this winner winner turkey dinner and even more excited for the leftovers.

Also ready to enjoy the holiday season with a positive attitude no matter what is thrown at us these next few weeks. I will not let other people cancel the joy that the holidays bring to me. I am ready to decorate, to celebrate, to enjoy this magical time of year that brings family and friends together, and always include good food, good wine, but good times.




Pressing The Reset Button


How I Overcome My Fears And Live My Best Life