Friday Friendly Reminders

And we meet again and we meet on the BEST day of the week! I am liking this day of the week to post. It is a nice time to reflect on the past week, to talk about what happened, and to slowly start to unwind and enjoy the weekend. Today is a round up of friendly reminders for all of us to work on. I am looking forward to tackling them all. Aggressive...maybe...but totally worth it! Have a fabulous weekend and see y'all next week! xoxo

Treat Yourself

Do you make sure to spoil yourself every week? Maybe it is retail therapy, a manicure/pedicure, sweet treats, or a trip, I believe it is definitely a must that you treat yourself to something that makes you HAPPY! You work hard and not allowing yourself to enjoy that hard work, well is just not fun. It can be a simple treat or an elaborate treat, whatever it is, go for it. For me, it is a simple one, but something my body has been craving. A bowl of ice cream with peanut M&M's twice a week and I am a happy lady. 


JUST DO IT!!! Whether it is for the entire weekend or 2 hours, put away your devices and just be in the moment. Enjoy the time away from staring at your phone and make eye contact with those around you...Be bored for a few minutes...Pick up a good book and read...And give those thumbs a little break. 

READ These Inspiring Posts

Share The NuttZo LOVE

I LOVE working for NuttZo, not only because I am obsessed with their nut butters, but because I am inspired by Danielle and what she has done to build her business, while always making sure to give back. Check out our latest feature in the Daily Burn. Great stuff is happening this year for the NuttZo Team and the hard work is definitely paying off! Make sure to check out the #NuttZoNEWS page and spread the #NuttZoLOVE!


Do you know how many times I have heard NO? A LOT and yet I keep on trucking because giving up is not an option whether it comes to my personal or professional life. I have applied to so many jobs, campaigns, and emailed brands and people that I want to work with. I either hear a NO or no response. And the same goes with dating. I put myself out there and swipe to the right a heck of a lot more than I used to. And yes you guessed it...I hear a lot of crickets. No pity party here. I am just reminding all of you and myself of course, that we all hit a lot of speed bumps in life. "Adulting" is hard. Hearing "NO" day in a day out is hard.  

Daily Reminder to: Keep your head up...stay strong...believe...give it 100%...NEVER GIVE UP!


We experienced warm weather this week and it was FABULOUS! I really hope that you took some time to get out there and soak up that Vitamin D. When you have been cooped up all winter, there is no better feeling for me than to put on my shorts and get outside for a long run and actually start sweating because it is so warm. WINNING! Each day this week, I made sure to take the pups for a walk and I know that they enjoyed the weather too. Disconnect and opt to get outside to soak up that fresh air. Spring is COMING! 

LOVE Yourself With These Self-Care Tips  

This past winter I have talked a lot about self-care. I believe it is necessary for us to be selfish and to take care of ourselves in whatever ways make us feel our best inside and out. When you fell happy and healthy, it shows and you radiate your beauty, power, and confidence to the universe. And that energy is CONTAGIOUS! Read a few of my self-care tips in this month's  Core Power post: HERE

How are you practicing self-care this month?

Did you get OUTSIDE this week?


Restaurant Doro


A Week In Review