I have missed this space. I have missed writing and letting my feelings and thoughts flow onto the page. I cannot tell you how many times I have opened up this document and started to write a few sentences and then BOOM I am pulled in a different direction. It has been a long time AGAIN since I have taken the time to write here and just chit chat away. Work, life, and relationships take a priority these days and this space is last on the list. I want that to change...and it starts NOW!

You would think that working from home I would have so much extra time to do all the things and that is exactly the exact opposite. But I am tired of making excuses, so I am holding myself accountable to commit to this space, because there is something inspiring, powerful, and releasing for me, when I write it down. It opens up more space for me emotionally, because sometimes I am just better at putting my thoughts into words. Let’s just get started and start the conversation…

I’m A Sucker For Quotes - I LOVE LOVE LOVE a good quote. I use them all the time for my Instagram posts, share them in my Instagram stories, I have quote books all over my desk. When I read a good quote and it resonates with me, I soak in all the goodness and let it sit and use it where I see fit.

Simple and straight to the point, this one spoke to me. At 40 years old, I can fully admit that I am still learning, growing, and changing. It can be scary AF, but embracing the changes physically, emotionally, and professionally is empowering. I can be VERY stubborn when it comes to change, but this year and new decade has already taught me so much already and I am just going with the flow, instead of fighting it.

My relationships and my career are bursting at the seams with positive energy and I believe this has happened because of my willingness to change, to ask for help, to communicate better, and most importantly to believe in my TRUTH and my GOALS.

Giving Myself A Break - I am tired…I have been working my ASS OFF this Summer. It has been intense and it just is not slowing down. I am grateful for this workload and my clients, but goodness gracious the crazy world of social media just never ever STOPS. Between work, my own personal training, figuring out what the heck is going to happen with this brand and space, and travel, it has been just non-stop. We leave tomorrow for a getaway up to Wisconsin to see Shannon’s family and friends and I desperately need to give myself a break. I need to step away from the computer, the phone, and just REST. I am ready to be on the water without my phone and not to worry about posting. My brain and body need a break and I am going to gratefully give it just that.

I sometimes feel that in this space I repeat myself a lot and I probably do, because well sometimes we need to repeat ourselves to remind ourselves that we need to make changes to live better. RIGHT?! Oh hey there is that word CHANGE again…I will be the first to admit that some things I am willing to change and then others I have a hard time making a change…Work is one of them. But baby steps…I will eventually get there.

Upcoming Blog Posts - Lately, I have had all these topics that I have wanted to discuss here and maybe that time away was necessary, so that they come naturally, when I am ready to write. There is nothing worse than trying to force something. The time away has allowed my ideas to come forward, so over the next few months or weeks we can chat about: 

  • How to get your gut and body back after a FUN Summer weekend! My good friend Lauren, who is a Holistic Nutritionist, published author, and recipe developer, will be doing a guest post to share her tricks of the trade. 

  • What is it like working from home?

  • Workouts - Because it has been WAY TOO LONG and it’s time to have some fun with these again!

  • What Keeps Me In My Power? What Takes Me Out of My Power? While listening to Sarah’spodcast at the gym, this was a topic that definitely spoke to me and I thought it would be a fun, educational, inspiring, and get to know me kind of post!

And FOOD Of Course - I love eating and talking about food, but I am no foodie stylist or recipe creator. My meals are easy, simple, and what works for me and my lifestyle. Do y’all have any interest in seeing what I eat? What kind of food posts do you want more of? Tell me in the comments, as I would love to hear from you.

And that is it my friends! I am out of here…It is time to disconnect. It is time to enjoy the time away. It is time to rest. See y’all sooner than you think…Enjoy the Summer weekend! xoxo


