Currently Eating - November Edition

Currently Eating - November Edition

I am putting in a lot of miles and my appetite is increasing weekly and I need to honor that! This hasn’t been easy for me and it is more mental than anything else, but I am learning to get out of my own damn way and to make the necessary changes. I want to do some EPIC things this coming year and if I am not fueling properly, well it just isn’t going to happen and my body will eventually just shut down. And shutting down is NOT an option for me in this next chapter! Right now I am averaging between 30-35 miles a week, along with strength training twice a week, and always lots of walking. I will go into more depth about my training these days…what the goals are…what feels good…why am I doing what I am doing, but for right now it is about the FOOD! Nothing has really changed…my meals are simple, basic, nutritious, comforting, and getting bigger each week. My body is honoring the change in seasons and I have been craving more seasonal produce and comforting meals. WILD and CRAZY COOL how the human body works!

The fact that I am still able to eat outside during the day in November is DELISH! NYC bagels and egg scrambles with all the veggies and spoonfuls of guacamole. Loading up on the protein these days, so I use three eggs regularly and it does the job. I haven’t eaten eggs for a while, but the craving came back and now I will eat them 2-3 times a week. I just season with red pepper flakes and pepper. I have also been on a egg salad, chicken salad, and tuna salad tear. All protein packed, super easy, and nutritious meal options.

Lighting is always horrible this time of year, but the food never disappoints! This meal is from Bartlett’s Farm and it is one of their pre-made dinners. They do them during the week and they are delicious and for $17.99, and I think it is a great dinner option. This was their flank steak dinner that I threw in the air fryer to cook for a few minutes and then just topped with red pepper flakes and hot sauce. I was also weirdly having a craving for mustard and the potatoes paired perfectly with that. Random condiment for this dinner, but oh so good! I highly recommend picking up their veggie curry too. I had it last week, but I definitely need to add protein to it the next time. I think a chicken thigh would pair nicely with it.

Currently Eating - November Edition

Salmon and Rice…A very ugly fugly picture, but this meal seriously hits the spot for me! It’s so simple and ready in 25 minutes. After a long day of work and when I am pretty ravenous, this just does the job. I hadn’t eaten salmon in a while and it was on sale at the store, so I picked up a couple of big pieces and it hit the spot. Cravings for salmon have returned! As for the rice, I buy it in the bag that you throw into the microwave for 90 seconds and BOOM it’s done.

What’s NEXT?

  • My “NEXT” running adventure;


  • TIEKS holiday shopping guide;

  • Food…Supplements…Running…Life Lately!

Let’s have some fun and get back into a groove here!



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Goodbye October