Goodbye August - Life Lately

Goodbye August - Life Lately

Ciao August…You disappeared in the blink of an eye and I have no clue where you went! It has been a doozie of a month, but a month that has been filled with growth, adventure, ups and downs, healing, happiness, learning, patience, and peace. Life is wild and you never know what’s going to happen and you never really ever have control of the outcome, but you always can control how you handle things…how you live your life…how you treat yourself…and how you want to show up. With that being said, let’s do a little blog post about August…grab your coffee, water, or tea, and let’s chat!


For me this past month it has been the little things that have brought me peace and JOY…less TV, more reading, more walking, more food, less negativity, doubt, and worry. These “little things” are so simple and require just changing habits and your mindset and it’s always up to YOU if you want to do that. I used to sit in the negativity and the worry, but let’s face it, it’s a energy vampire and being stuck in that space is painful. Breaking out of old habits and toxic cycles can take a lot of work and I did the work and what’s on the other side is simply scrumptious!

I love this photo of myself, because it sums up August…tired, happy, and at peace! I know I repeat my words a lot and I am always repeating myself, but they are healthy reminders for not only myself, but also to inspire YOU, that you too, can find happiness in your life, when you do the work, you choose you, and you show up for you. Repetition, being consistent, and dedication to yourself make it happen. It is not easy work and it is work that a lot of people do not want to tackle, because it can get icky and frustrating, but it is always worth it. Love yourself and LOVE every part of yourself. I’m always here to repeat myself to continue to inspire you and help you show up for you!


Do I ever write a blog post that doesn’t include food? Food is fuel…Food is life…Food keeps me functioning, happy, and focused. My appetite has been a little bit all over the place and I have actually changed things up a bit, which has been kind of nice for my gut and my taste buds as well. Half Marathon training has me feeling ravenous, so I am mindful of my hunger, hydration, and nutrition. I’m not overthinking anything, but I am eating more and it feels GOOD! The more food, the faster I run and the stronger I feel. I am so here for it!

What am I eating more of? Lots of salads with tuna fish, or roast beef, turkey, and with whatever leftovers are in the fridge…Sourdough…Chicken Thighs…Salmon…Steak, full fat Greek yogurt (damn the texture is so much better), and lots and lots of blueberries.

Random Thought…What’s kind of weird is I haven’t eaten oatmeal in weeks and I don’t crave it all. Savory oats are a thing in the past…LOL…give me all the sourdough toast please! I also really haven’t been having any smoothies either. I am keeping it all real, simple, and eating more healthy fats as well. The change up has been so much better for my overall health and I am here for it.

Goodbye August - Life Lately


I am at the end of week 6 of half marathon training and it feels good! I have my schedule printed…I am crossing off the training days…I am doing more than the training plan, but that is just crazy me and what works for me and my lifestyle right now and it feels good. I am incorporating more weights, circuit training, speed workouts, and WALKING! I am being mindful of overtraining this half marathon schedule and taking my rest days seriously and making sure I am staying fueled, but also make sure I am having fun as well. And I am having FUN, so honestly, that is all that really matters in the end.

What’s August been like for you? Are you ready for the next season?





Meal Prep with the Mini Griddle