HELLO October

“life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall” - f. scott fitgerald

NEW month…

NEW season…

NEW opportunities…

The days are getting shorter. The mornings are a little bit cooler. And I am leaning into everything that this month has to offer with work, life, and ALL THE THINGS! I have been doing A LOT of work on myself since I spoke out about “Holding Myself Accountable” and the work has really really really been working. I feel better inside and out. I have more energy. I am not waking up at 4:00 AM. I am not working out as much. I am not bingeing. I still have moments when I struggle, but mostly these are 


I am SO EXCITED to be back working with my Coach! I am proud of myself for recognizing that I needed the help again and that this kind of work is NOT easy and even HARDER to do on your own.

This time around we have a different plan, different goals, and a stronger connection personally and professionally. It feels right and after our first call last week, I like the vibe and I am thrilled. So what are a few things we are doing…

  • Each week I put together a document of what my workout schedule looks like; what are my goals with food and exercise; how am I feeling emotionally and mentally; what thoughts/questions are coming up. I love this, because it not only keeps me organized, but allows me to see what’s not working and what is. It also helps that my Coach is just as much an organized, bullet point, highlighting nut job as me.

  • Texting/Calling whenever those negative thoughts come into my brain about my body, food, or just anything that makes me not feel worthy. This is huge and I love it, because once it’s been written or said aloud it REALLY puts things into perspective.

  • Unfollowing social media accounts that no longer serve me...Following accounts that are totally different from who I am and doing! I am starting to follow a lot of accounts that have to deal with farming, ranching, CrossFit women, and messages that preach “GOING BACK TO BASICS”!


“The obsession with running is really an obsession with the potential for more and more life.” George Sheehan

AHHH...Running...It’s so many things, but I love it and I love how it challenges me mentally and physically. It proves how strong I am and how amazing and powerful my body is. It allows me to explore new places, meet new people, and soak up the sunshine and the beautiful landscapes. It is also humbling. It is HARD. It can be really GOOD or really BAD. It’s all the things and it is why I never give up on the RUN. It’s like life...It has ups and downs, but you learn from it. 

A couple of weeks ago, I got the itch to start training again. Maybe it was the beautiful weather or maybe I just needed to switch things up, or I just needed a GOAL and a schedule to look forward to. I am doing it and this time it is going to be different. 

On November 20th, I will be running the Bohicket Half Marathon on Johns Island. I am on week 5 of the training schedule and as I said, things are going to be different this time around. How is it going to be different? I am not going to be over-exercising...I am going to be fueling properly...and my Coach is holding me accountable.

  • I’m ready. 

  • I’m strong.

  • I can do hard things.

  • I have the tools.

  • Let’s GO!!!


I am in deep in another Elin Hildebrand book! This time it is Golden Girl and I cannot put it down. When I put her books on hold at the library I don’t even read what they’re about, I just know it’s going to be good, easy, and remind me of Nantucket. To me they are happy books that allow me to unwind at the end of the day. After a “serious book” it is my go-to to unwind. And this one is NOT disappointing...LOVE it already!


I feel like I have been eating ALL THE THINGS, which is a really good thing for me! LOL! I am eating out more...I am treating myself to more sweets...I haven’t been restricting or bingeing like I was a few weeks ago. These are HUGE steps for me and it’s important that I am properly fueling now, especially that I am training for the ½ marathon. I want to be stronger and faster for this race and if I am not nourishing my body on a daily basis, I am going to be miserable and leave myself open for injury and that is not an option, so I am changing the narrative.

I definitely still have my moments, where I doubt the work, I struggle with body image, and could easily go back to my old ways, BUT...I won’t do it, because I recognize how much more energy I have, how much stronger I feel and look, how much happier I am to be eating ALL THE THINGS! I love food. I love to talk about food. I am surrounded by so much good food in Charleston, so making small changes one day at a time and enjoying all the food one day at a time. HUGE WINS!!!

Food THINGS I am currently LOVING:

  • Japanese Sweet Potatoes

  • Creamy Protein Packed Oatmeal



  • Still being able to wear my bikini in October;

  • Being an Aunt…My little sister had a baby last week and she’s the cutest little peanut EVER;

  • Changing the narrative when it comes to fitness, food, relationships, and my overall well being. Each week I have made choices that are only making me stronger, better, and happier. GO ME;

  • Taking the steps to limit social media and only doing it when it serves me and makes me happy! These platforms have changed so much and they can be toxic, exhausting, and just nasty. I don’t have time for that and neither do you;

  • Going back to BASICS and simplifying my LIFE!


Let's Talk About SOCIAL MEDIA


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