Oh HEY!!! Did y’all miss me?!?!?! Life...Work...Traveling...LOTS of has kept me away from this space. I have missed it. I have missed being able to just write and share and give you the updates on my life, love, growing pains, the ups...the downs, the simple things, food, fitness, and the list goes on and on. There just hasn’t been time and I have also had serious writer’s block. I always think I have time to write and then I would try to write and then all of my inboxes were full and well at this time in my life, my clients come first.

It is what it is, but the creative juices are flowing...I’m feeling energized...I’m feeling inspired...I’m looking forward to focusing on me. YES, it is time to be a little selfish, because I am definitely a giver and I have been giving a lot. It’s time to nourish ME. So grab that big ass cup of coffee and let’s talk...I’m ready...are YOU?

What I am Reading - A little bit of this and that! I always have a book on my nightstand. I LOVE to read as it helps me decompress at the end of the day and it also helps me to stop looking at my phone. But I do truly enjoy curling up in bed and just flipping the pages to a easy read. And YES I am still the lady who enjoys flipping the pages and going to the library. I weirdly like getting emails from the library letting me know that my book on hold is available for pick up.

I just picked up “Beartown: A Novel” at the library and cannot wait to dive in, as I read his other books “A Man Called Ove” and “My Grandmother Told Me To Tell You She’s Sorry”.

What I am Enjoying - Long walks out on Sullivan’s Island with permitting of course! Cooler nights, so I am able to curl up on the couch in a sweatshirt and blankets and watch TV with Shannon. Holiday parties...There are a lot coming up and it’s time to get festive, dress up, and have some fun...Eggnog lattes anyone?!?!? Connecting with some badass, inspiring, fearless female entrepreneurs with Hatch Tribe.

I recently signed up to be a part of this community and it’s exactly what I have needed to not only connect with like-minded women, but also to help me learn, grow, and develop new business and personal relationships. I cannot wait to see what I learn this year and who I meet. The past few weeks have been all about putting myself out there; trying new things; and working on building myself personally and professionally, and I think joining this group is the step in the right direction.

I also am enjoying making new friendships online and in the Charleston community. YES, at 39 you can still make new friends...LOL! I am really looking forward to introducing you to Madison, who blogs at Sunny Thymes. We connected a few months ago, when she started creating recipes for NuttZo. I am a HUGE fan of granola and this one is a must if you are a peanut butter LOVER, like me. Check it out HERE and let me know if you make a batch. She is also going to be doing an interview with me to talk about the hot topic “Intuitive Eating”, so stay tuned for that in January.

What I am Eating - Whatever my body wants! But in all seriousness, my appetite is always changing. My cravings are always changing, although that heaping spoonful of NuttZo happens EVERY morning at some point. It’s a must. During the winter months, I definitely eat more sweet potatoes, roasted cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, lots of APPLES, granola, and red meat. I definitely eat steak, hamburgers, and taco salads and it’s what my body needs. I need the iron and don’t ever trim the fat off the steak. And YES i eat carbs too, I just eat bread when I crave it. Since I don’t typically eat bread every day, I like to freeze bagels and baguettes in the freezer, so they don’t go bad.

What I am Working On - ME!!! Working on yourself is the hardest project. Owning up to your own shit. Admitting your faults. Putting it all out on the table and just doing it. Having meltdowns, getting frustrated, but more importantly moving forward. YEP...I’ve done it all, but I can honestly say that I have made major progress over the past few weeks. There was a turning point and I went for it! I felt the shift and the change in energy in myself. It is freaking AWESOME.

But it also helps that I have someone in my life who holds me accountable. Shannon does not sugar coat anything. He says it how it is, which I love about him. I appreciate his honesty and advice when it comes to personal and business issues. And let me just say that we are not perfect. We are both stubborn. We both are set in our ways. We have our moments and that is okay, because we are just growing and learning together. And there is no one else I would rather do it with. Life, work, and relationships take work, nurturing, and compassion. We are a team and as everyone knows a team has to work together to succeed.

Fitness - Lots of indoor workouts as it has been chilly in Charleston and I am a total wuss when it comes to training outside in cold weather. I have only done a few runs outside, because I am getting the itch to train for a half marathon. I miss that schedule and the Rock n’ Roll Nashville Half Marathon is on the brain.

Otherwise, I have been doing spin at Methon Ride 2 - 3 times a week. Pivotal Fitness in Mount Pleasant for the StepMill and Treadmill. I have also been making sure to spend more time on strength training and it definitely feels good. LOTS of leg workouts are happening! I also like to grab some new workouts from these social media favorites (@jen_pbrunner and , when I am stuck in a rut and need some inspiration.)

Social Media - Do you follow me on Instagram? If not, come on over and join the party. Like I said earlier, I’ve been feeling inspired and motivated to focus more on ME as we charge into the New Year, so I am working on stepping outside of my comfort zones and just going for it.

One of those things is doing more LIVE stories...I have such a fear of being in front of the camera. I cannot stand public speaking. I get awkward talking and sweaty and ARGH it’s frustrating. And I have ALWAYS had this fear. But it’s time to put the big girl pants on and be fearless. And right now, I feel so comfortable in my skin and feel more confident than I have before, so it’s now or never and I’m ready!

WHEW...That’s all I have got friends! Cheers to December and the hustle and bustle of the holidays…I LOVE this time of year!

What else do you want to know? Ask away...


