Meet Chandler Frisbie

One of my favorite fitness people in Charleston…

I really don’t even know where to start, when talking about Chandler Frisbie, because I have seen this young woman grow SO MUCH since I first started practicing next to her four years ago. She is now THRIVING at life, teaching, and a new relationship. She has done the WORK. She has been fearless in all aspects of her life and at ONLY freaking 26, I admire her for that. She is a good human, with a huge heart, and the woman knows how to kick my ass. There is a huge age difference between us, but Chandler and I get each other. Whether it is because we were college athletes, love to train hard and sweat hard, or slightly obsessed with our hair, the beach, or inspiring books, having friends who are younger than us are a good thing!

I truly believe that people come into our lives for a reason and that is why I love the community at The Works! I know y’all are so damn tired of me talking about it, but those people are the REAL DEAL. I am not just talking about the teachers, but the people who show up on the mat. We are all there to do the WORK not only on the outside, but on the inside too and it is why I am always there. It is movement therapy and it is SOUL therapy!

Read more about Chandler below…She’s a beautiful ray of sunshine with crazy energy, that if you sign up for her classes, you will get it…

Chandler is a 26-year-old yoga instructor, spin instructor, daughter, sister, friend to all! She doesn’t know a stranger and she loves to connect with people. She loves her city and that the water is never more than a few miles away. She grew up in Atlanta, GA but fell in love with Charleston after playing softball at CofC. She fell in love with movement 6 years ago and found her home at The Works and The Works Cycle sweat studios. 


I decided to start teaching because I believed in this practice and what it did for me physically and mentally. It is my saving grace and a place that feels like home every day. I witnessed people changing their lives through a type of movement practice that I had never experienced anywhere else. I wanted to be a part of something that I believe is truly changing our city and therefore the entire world. I also love my team and the people I connect with truly on a daily basis. They are family. 


My fellow instructors and clients motivate me. They know me better than anyone else in the world and they have become MY greatest teachers. I love to learn from them and take their classes. I love to witness our clients experiencing breakthroughs and life-changing moments. I love hearing their stories and how this practice has affected their lives on a deeper level. I am also inspired by music. I am a big lyrics person and I love a good beat. It sets the tone for an entire class! 


My favorite way to practice self-care is by getting sunshine! Give me all the vitamin D! I also love to read and listen to music. All kinds! Taking days off to rest is something I’ve been making a priority lately. You can’t give yourself to other people if your own cup isn’t filled! It’s been a hard lesson to learn but it’s true. Take the rest day and don’t stress on it - your body will thank you! 

I’ve received the most extraordinary advice from so many friends, mentors, strangers, even in books I read or music I listen to. My boss/best friend Sarah Frick always says “if you don’t do it, someone else will!” And I love that. It’s so true. If you have a dream or a desire to do something great, don’t wait until you’re ready. You never will be. If you believe in it and you can’t stop thinking about it - take the leap and run with it. Even if you’re scared. If you fail, that only means there’s a new path set forth for you. There’s always learning there too. 


Fav spots to unwind in CHS…SO MANY! 

I love Sullivan’s Island. It’s so quaint and I love the local shops and restaurants there. I live right on Shem Creek so I go there often as well - Anything with good seafood and live music is a win for me. I also love Hometeam BBQ and any fun rooftop bar with a view of the city. I love to support locals and there are so many amazing spots here in town!


You can follow Chandler on Instagram and also make sure to check the schedule to see when she’s teaching at The Works!

If you aren’t sure which classes to take, I HIGHLY recommend you take her Sunday Service class at 10:00 AM in Mount Pleasant! There is no better way to start your Sunday. This class always kicks my ass, especially if I was out the day before, but I have never regretted showing up to practice with her and everyone else who shows up. It is soulful…It is a sweaty hot mess…It is exactly what I need physically and mentally!

Just do it…



Giving Myself The Gift Of HEALTH


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