What Does Wellness Look Like To Me

Wellness is a BIG word with a lot of meaning these days!!! But lately, it seems that most things in the fitness/health industry can be complicated, oversaturated, confusing, and mean a lot of different things. My GOAL for myself and for YOU is to keep it simple and break it down into easy, manageable, and healthy ways to improve your wellness routine. In this post, you’ll notice that I say SIMPLE a lot…as well as do what works for YOU!

Life is complicated enough and I believe that our wellness routines should be simple, fun, engaging, and inspiring. Staying healthy should be a feel good experience, not one that you should dread. I believe that keeping it simple does just that! My wellness routine for myself is basic and simple and after years of finding what works best for my mind and body, it all comes down to these things!


All the nourishing foods PLEASE…Honestly you just have to keep it simple…Just like everything else in life…When you start to overcomplicate things, it gets messy, stressful, expensive, and sometimes a hassle or not fun. When you keep it simple, when you find out what works for your body and lifestyle, and when you find that healthy balance, it all comes together. When it comes to food, I keep it healthy and simple when I cook at home, but when I go out to eat, I allow myself to eat whatever I want or crave. Eating out for me is a treat, so I like it to be a delicious, special experience, that I will remember, because it made me feel good. A little cheesy, for sure, but it works for me!

Everything is about finding that happy balance and that comes with food too…especially food! Eating should be a fun, happy, nourishing experience. So take time to figure out what works for you, your gut, your goals, and your overall well-being!


We all know that I love to move, sweat, strengthen, run, yoga, ALL THE THINGS! But I do it, because I know that movement makes me happy. It makes me strong. It makes me healthy physically, emotionally, and mentally. It is not always easy and it takes time and it takes work and it takes dedication and consistency, but I feel GOOD. I feel strong, happy, and grateful that I am able to move. I still train like an athlete, because that is who I am and what lights me up. When it comes to YOU, you have to listen to your body and what it is capable of doing and what it wants to do. Don’t be afraid to push the limits and make it hard, that is when you learn, you get stronger, and you see what you are capable of! Once you find your “happy movement” enjoy it and be consistent and just do YOU!

Movement is everything and I love what my body is able to do day in and day out! It is a beautiful gift that I never take for granted. And as I get older, I will keep pushing the limits, but will also keep listening to my body and listen to what works and what feels good. Plus, lots of grace helps too!


A good supplement routine can make a world of a difference for your wellness routine! I have come a long way on my healing journey and I have tried all the things, but I keep it simple these days. Ameo Life is my go to for my daily probiotic and my skin care. I love this brand. I love how it makes me feel. I love how it has helped me heal my gut and my overall wellness. It is a wonderful feeling!

**Don’t forget to use KATIE25 to get 25% off any order!!!


Self-Care like wellness is a big word, so it’s important to get specific with what works and makes YOU feel good! For me right now, self-care looks like therapy every two weeks…long walks with dogs…coffee dates with friends…dinners out that require me to dress up and look fancy…treating myself to a massage or facial…curling up with a good book!

Self-Care doesn’t need to over the top or expensive…It again, like everything else can be simple! A 30 minute walk on the beach in the sunshine…DELISH…A lunch date…A new sports bra…Daily meditation. Choose what is going to make you feel special and happy from the inside out.

What does wellness look like to you?!?! Is there anything that you would add to the list? I love to hear from you!



Witch’s Rock Surf Camp
