
Watch out friends I am ENERGIZED and I am ready to rock n' roll! I am not sure if it is Mercury Retrograde, the Full Moon, the beautiful weather, but the ideas have been flowing. I have been writing them down in my journal, my planner, and on post-it notes, so I don't forget them. I am ready to share...inspire...and take my writing and my personal journey to the next level with all of you. So this is what you will start reading about moving forward:

Inspiring Women...I have met many beautiful, inspiring, and passionate women on social media and it is time that I share their stories with all of you! They are entrepreneurs, foodies, teachers, influencers, and friends. These are women whose stories have resonated with me on both a personal and professional level. They work hard. They are fearless. They #dreamBIG. Even though I have not met a lot of these women in person, I communicate with them on a weekly basis. They are my virtual support system. And I hope that you will find them as inspiring as I do!

My OH So Single Life...I am excited to start writing about being single and why I am single and what my dating past was like! Dating is FREAKING hard these days. It is frustrating, comical, and totally confusing. It is time to put the Carrie Bradshaw hat on and share my stories along with some of my girlfriend's stories because we can honestly not make some of this stuff up! Just like many other topics in my life, I am ready to share the good and the bad with you on my past relationships, because I KNOW that I am not the only one who has gone through them. This space is a place where we support each other. We inspire each other. We GROW together! 

Letting Go Of My Past..It feels good to let go of the past! This is a slow process for me, because as you know letting go of old stuff takes time and it is one of the reasons why I hired a Life Coach because I needed help. My past can hold me back, from truly being able to move forward with personal and professional  It is HARD as shit to let go! I am letting go of people, old habits, and rules that no longer serve me. I will not be taken advantage of. I will not be treated poorly or be used. I will not take on jobs that do not resonate with me. Do you know how amazing it feels to say these things out loud? AMAZING!

Eye Opening Experiences...There were a few incidents this summer and even ones from years ago that were definitely a slap in the face for me. They are going to be hard for me to talk about, but that is okay because I have learned from them. They are only making me a better person, so even though they were hard to recognize and admit too, they are helping me grow! I want to share these, so others can learn and know that life is not perfect. We make mistakes. We learn from our mistakes. We move FORWARD from them! 

How I am Working On Being The Best Version of ME...Working on yourself is also hard! No one said life was easy. I have acknowledged and said it out loud as to what I need to work on. I am owning my shit. I am reading. I am leaning on friends. I am talking to my Life Coach. I am doing all the right things and moving in the right direction to be the BEST version of ME so that I can help others and inspire others to find their true authentic self! 

Food...Because admit it, we all like to look at what other people are eating! As you know, I like food and I am really good at eating it! Food makes me happy. It keeps me fueled for my training and for my busy schedule. Food is fun and food is DELICIOUS! So food is going to be making a comeback because I like sharing and creating my creations with all you. 

What topic are you most excited to read about?

How are YOU currently feeling?




EASY NuttZo Bites by The Real Food Dietitians