Supplements That I Currently Take

If you don’t have your health, how can you enjoy your life?!?!?! Now more than ever, we need to be healthy, strong, active, and taking care of ourselves.

It’s time to GEEK out a little bit and get into the nitty gritty of what supplements I take and why! I have learned so much about my body, what it needs, how to properly fuel it, and the benefits of taking certain supplements to heal my insides. I REALLY screwed up my gut, my hormones, and my overall health over the past years from so much restriction and stress of this eating disorder. I was constipated, ravenous, depleted, miserable, and falling apart. I am always amazed as to how I was still functioning on a daily basis. BUT…that is in the past and this is NOW and now I am THRIVING and in a much better place due to taking the time to invest in my health.

I LOVE to educate myself and learn about fitness, food, and especially supplements, because it has TRULY made a difference in my recovery. Investing in your health takes time, effort, patience and money, but I am worth it and when you can see the change…just YES YES YES! So here are the supplements that I take twice a day. I have been taking probiotics for almost two years now and the other supplements have only been added in over the past six months, by the recommendation of my coach. It is important to note that these supplements are what work for ME and my GOALS. Make sure before YOU decide what you need to talk to a professional and do your research!

Let’s GOOOO!!!!


Taking a probiotic is where my health journey all started and it was one of the best choices I made about healing my body and I swear by it. And I am grateful for Ameo Life for supporting me along this journey with their amazing products. I wrote a blog post about WHY I take a probiotic HERE!

**Ameo Life is having an AWESOME promotion happening now, that if you buy their probiotic and use SILVERKATIE you will get a FREE bottle of their Silver Solution. I have written multiple posts about their Silver Solution which you can read HERE and HERE.**

I talk about Ameo Life A LOT, but when I use their products daily and have seen amazing results, it just comes naturally for me to talk about them all the time. 


  • Improved sleep

  • Supports bone health

  • Decreased inflammation

  • Boosts exercise performance

  • Aids in digestion

  • Supports healthy hormones


  • Anti-Inflammatory

  • Prevents heart disease and certain cancers

  • Packed with antioxidants

  • Reduces joint pain

  • Detoxifies the body

  • Boosts the immune system

  • Calms digestive system

Milk Thistle

  • Provides liver support in natural detoxification

  • Promotes healthy kidney function

  • Helps regulate blood sugar

  • Nurtures skin health


  • Relieves stress and anxiety

  • Increases muscle and strength

  • Reduces swelling

  • Supports heart health

  • Sharpens focus and memory


  • Supports gut function and the digestive process

  • Supports brain health

  • Promotes muscle growth

  • Improves athletic performance and recovery

  • Supports metabolic and heart health

Nuzest Clean Protein

I am working REALLY hard on adding more protein into my daily eats, to help with muscle growth, muscle recovery, strengthening my bones, boost metabolism, and all the other amazing health benefits that protein will give this body of mine. One of the easiest ways to add protein in is with a protein powder. I am very PICKY about which ones I use, because so many companies put tons of CRAP into their powders and that used to upset my gut health tremendously. It was awful (the bloating was the absolute worst), so now I just stick to clean and simple ingredients, like Nuzest! I add it to smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt bowls, chia puddings, and you could even add it to some healthy baking recipes, if you like to bake!

YES it can get expensive to spend money on your health, but your health is so important and when your health is on point you feel amazing from the inside out! Wouldn’t you rather spend money on things that make you feel energized, strong, and happy, instead of crappy food, products, and lifestyle choices that leave you feeling sluggish, sick, and depressed?

Take care of yourself and invest in YOUR health!





Month 3 - June Healing Goals