When I made the decision to get my shit together and take this leap of faith to rebrand myself, I knew that I had to step away from social media! To be 100% honest with y’all, this really involved me stepping away from Instagram, for almost TWO months. This would involve NO liking...NO commenting...NO posting...NO checking. I continued to tweet, pin, and share posts on Facebook, but as the time got closer to the launching of the NEW site, I went 100% dark and it was just what I needed. Like everyone else who takes this time away from social media, it is definitely worth it and recommended.

As I begin to move into this next chapter of my career, I knew that I really wanted to put all of my attention to my Instagram feed and to my writing. So in order to do that, I needed to take a BIG step away from my account. The timing was perfect as I was feeling BLEH...I was running out of photographs that made me 100% happy...I was tired of scrolling, engaging, and I felt like I had hit a big ass plateau. My creative juices were depleted. I needed a break.

My initial thoughts when I talked to Shelby about closing it down for those two months made me nervous. What was I going to do instead of creating posts? How many people were going to unfollow me? Would this hurt my brand? Looking at the bigger picture, these were some petty thoughts, because there is another LIFE outside of social media. And as cheesy as it sounds, I needed to focus more of my attention on my real life issues.

The day I posted the announcement that I was taking some time away, I felt relieved. I felt excited. It was just time and I enjoyed every second. Did I lose a ton of followers? HECK YEAH! Did I care about losing those followers? HELL NO! Okay...maybe I cared a little bit the first few days, but then I forgot about it. Like I said, there were other things that I need to work on, so having those extra hours were a blessing in disguise. Yes, there were moments, when I wanted to check, engage, like, and browse around, but I didn’t.

The time away allowed me to fully give Shelby and myself the attention that I needed to create the new brand. I was able to write, write, and do more writing. I had time to work on myself and my relationships. I made myself tackle those tasks that I had been ignoring forever. And I was able to come up with my plan for the new Instagram account, which was just what I needed.

With life, fitness, work, and social media, we all need a BREAK! Whether it is a big one or a little one, taking the time away is good for the soul.

“To find peace, you have to be willing to lose your connection with the people, places, and things that create all the noise” - Unknown

Do you take time away from social media?


